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The formation of the discussion and judgment committee for the researcher / Issam Kassem Suliman Qassem

The approval of the Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods on 10/9/2017 on the formation of the discussion and judgment committee for the researcher / Essam Kassim Sulaiman Kassem, the Registrar of Master's degree in Education (Curriculum and Methods of Teaching Arabic Language and Islamic Studies) entitled "Effectiveness of a proposed program based on the skills of voice awareness in Development of some reading skills among students in the preparatory stage "The discussion and judging committee consists of1- Prof. Hassan Omran Hassan as Chairman and Supervisor     Professor of Curriculum and Methods of Teaching Arabic Language and Islamic Studies, Faculty of Education, Assiut University2- Prof. Amani Helmi Abdel Hamid, Member and discussion     Professor of Curriculum and Methods of Teaching Arabic Language and Islamic Studies, Faculty of Education, Sohag University3- Dr. Abdel Wahab Hashem Sayed, member and discussion     Professor of Curriculum and Methods of Teaching Arabic Language and Islamic Studies at the Faculty of Education, Assiut University