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Ph. D. In Curricula and methods of teaching (Curricula and methods of teaching Arabic and Islamic Education) , Eduction Faculty Assuit |University , 1991

Emeritus Professor Faculty of Education, ِِAssiut University , 2014

Professor Faculty of Education, ِِAssiut University , 2013

Associate Professor Faculty of Education, Assiut University , 2004

Lecturer Faculty of Education, Assiut University , 1991

Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Education, Assiut University , 1989

Demonstrator Faculty of Education, Assiut University , 1984
No. Title
9 أثر الثنائية اللغوية في اكتساب تلاميذ المدرسة الابتدائية لمهارات اللغة العربية وتحصيلهم اللغوي.
10 فاعلية برنامج مقترح قائم على أنشطة القراءة الالكترونية في تنمية بعض مهارات التدريس واتجاه نحو التعلم الالكتروني لدى معلمي اللغة العربية.
11 أثر استخدام نموذج التعلم البنائي في تنمية مهارات اللغة الوظيفية لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الابتدائية.
12 برنامج تكاملي بين فروع الدراسات الأدبية في تنمية بعض مهارات التذوق الأدبي لدى طلاب الصف الأول الثانوي وميلهم نحوها
13 فعالية استخدام المدخل المنظومي في النصوص الأدبية وأثره على تنمية التفكير الابتكاري لدى طلاب المرحلة الثانوية.
14 استخدام أنشطة القراءة الإلكترونية في تنمية الأداء التدريسي والاتجاه نحو التعلم الإلكتروني لدى معلمي اللغة العربية
15 أثر استخدم طريقة التعلم التعاوني في تدريس القراءة على تحصيلها والميل للغة لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الإعدادية.
16 التدريس الإلكتروني لمقرر علم النفس التجريبي عبر الإنترنت.
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3- Eman Ahmad Mahmoud , Enrichment program based on the integrative education model for developing pre academic skills of gifted children at risk of learning disabilities ,2016-02-11
supervisor: Prof. Hassan Omran Hassan Dr. Doaa Mohamed Mostafa

4- Hussien Awad Hussien Mohammed , Tf Effect of Teaching an Experimental Psychology Course Electronically Via Internet on Psychology Students Achievement , Motivation , and Attitude Towards E-LEARNING AT THE Faculty of Education ,2015-04-25
supervisor: Prof.Mahmoud Sayed Mahmoud Abu-Nagy Prof.Hassan Omran Hassen Dr.Osama Araby Ammar

5- Abdullah Mohammed Daoud Mohammed , "Based on the effectiveness of the learning cycle in the teaching of the Arabic language for the development of some of the linguistic performance skills among secondary school students in the program." ,2015-01-18

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7- Doaa Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed , The effect of using strategic Six Thinking Hats in the development of some of the oral expression of creative skills among primary school students ,2014-01-16

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10- Essam Qassem Suleiman , The effectiveness of a proposed program is based on the phonological awareness skills in the development of some reading skills among junior high school students. ,2013-04-16
supervisor: A.d.hassan Imran Hassan 2. d. Hana Abu Dief Merz

11- Abdul Aziz Abdullah Al Arab , ,2014-05-26
supervisor: A. d . Ahmed Sayed Mohammed Ibrahim A d Ahmad Mohamed Ali Rashwan P. A. d . Imran Hassan Hassan

12- Ali Mohsen Abdel Tawab , The effectiveness of a program based on the Arabic language as a foreign language teaching standards in the development of life skills. " ,2008-06-29

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supervisor: Prof. Mohammad Reza Baghdadi 2. Prof. Hassan Sayed Hassan Shehata 3. Prof. Ahmed Sayed Mohammed Ibrahim 4. Prof. Hassan Hassan Omran

14- Bahia Ahmed Attia Abdullah , Effective strategy backed by some modeling hypermedia for the development of some grammatical concepts at the sixth grade of primary pupils ,2015-04-28
supervisor: A- d- Hassan Omran Hassan 2. d- Hashim Syed Abdul Wahab

15- Manal Mahmoud Abdel-Hamid , "The effectiveness of the use of a storyboard to instill in children pre-school some moral and social concepts ,2004-10-31
supervisor: Prof. Dr. Salah al-Din Hussein Sharif 2. a-d Shahinaz Mohamed Mohamed 3. Prof. Hassan Hassan Omran

16- Amani Hamed Mirghani , Impact of the use of language games in the teaching of grammatical rules on the development of skills among some talk first grade secondary pupils ,2003-09-21
supervisor: Prof. Ahmed Sayed Mohammed Ibrahim 2. Prof. Ahmad Mohamed Ali Rashwan 3-D. Hassan Hassan Omran 4. d. Abdul Wahab Syed Hashim

17- Mohammed JAPER QASIM , Foundations choose hadiths secondary stage ,1994-10-23

18- Hassan Ahmed Bkhawajy , A proposed program for the development of the tendency to read the second free episode of basic education ,1999-04-08
supervisor: A -d-Ahmed Sayed Mohammed Ibrahim 2. d- hana Abu DIEF Marz 3. D. Hassan Omran Hassan

19- abd bdel Razek Mukhtar Mahmoud Abdel-Kader , The effectiveness of the proposed program is based on a conceptual organization in the treatment of some Islamic religious concepts necessary for middle school students ,2002-02-01
supervisor: Dr. / Ahmed Sayed Mohamed Ibrahim D. Ahmad Mohamed Ali Rashwan Imran Hassan Hassan Dr. Mohamed Jaber Al Qasim

supervisor: Hassan Omran Hassan, Tarek Salam Said, Ngwan Abas Hmam

21- Amal Ismail Hassan , The effectiveness a suggested program in the arabic language for developing creative thinking for the first year preparatory stage female students ,2008-04-30
supervisor: Hassan Omran Hassan Omran, Abdel Wahab Hashem Said

22- Ali Abdel Mohsen Abdel Twab Abdel Mohsen El-Hdaby , The effect of a program based on standards of teaching arabic as a foreign in development life skills necessary for speakers of languages ,2008-04-22
supervisor: Ahmad Said Mouhamed Ibrahim, Ahmad Mouhamed Ali Rashwan, Hassan Omran Hassan Omran

23- Abdel Ghany Ali Wis Ahmad Ghaleb El-Maklby , The effectiveness of a training program for the teachers of the holy Qura’an and its sciences in the secondary level in republic of Yemen in the light of their needs and the requirements of the contemporary mental and jurisprudential proposition ,2011-03-08
supervisor: Ahmad Said mouhamed Ibrahim, Ahmad Mouhamed Ali Rashwan, Hassan Omran Hassan

24- Amr Kmal Ahmad Mouhamed , The effectiveness of using the reciprocal teaching strategy in developing first year prep pupils some language skills ,2009-03-10
supervisor: Ahmad Mouhamed Ali Rshwan, Hassan Omran Hassan Omran, Hnaa Abou Daif Marz Khalifa

25- Abdel Rahman Ali Houssain Mouhamed , The Effectiveness of using the Cooperative Learning Method of teaching the grammar rules on achievement and the interest towards studying it to the first Year secondary students ,2002-03-13
supervisor: Ahmad Mouhamed Ali Rashwan, Abdel Wahab Hashim Said, Hassan Amran Hassan

26- Lubna Abdel Hamid Kassem Apogder , The Effectiveness of a Suggested Program in Linguistic Activities in Developing some Linguistic Creativity Skills of Pre-School Children ,2005-12-27
supervisor: Ahmed Sayed Mohamed Ibrahim, Hassan Omran Hassan