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The formation of the discussion and judgment committee for the researcher / Abdul Qahir Salah Ibrahim, the Registrar of Master's degree in Education (Curriculum and Methods of Teaching Social Studies - Geography)

The approval of the Council of Curriculum and Teaching Methods Department on 10/2/2012 on the formation of the discussion and judgment committee for the researcher / Abdel-Qaher Salah Ibrahim, the Registrar of Master's Degree in Education (Curriculum and Methods of Teaching Social Studies - Geography) entitled "Effectiveness of using the Crelek-Redneck model to teach geography in Development of decision-making skills among students of the first grade secondary " The discussion and judgment committee consists of the following:1.D. Ahmed Ibrahim Shalaby Chairman and discussion professor of curricula and teaching methods Faculty of Education - Ain Shams University2. Prof. Adel Rasmi Hammad Al-Najdi as a member and supervisor    Professor of Curriculum and Methods of Teaching Social Studies and Dean of the Faculty of Education, Assiut University  3.D. Ahmed Zare Ahmed is a member and discussion      Professor of Curriculum and Teaching Methods, Faculty of Education, Assiut University  4.D. Jamal Hassan Al-Sayed as a member and supervisor      Professor of Curriculum and Assistant Teaching Methods, Faculty of Education, Assiut University