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The formation of the discussion and judgment committee for the researcher / Hoda Ali Abdel Halim Miftah

Approval of the formation of the discussion committee and the judgment of the researcher / Huda Ali Abdel Halim Mftah registered for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Child Education) entitled "Effectiveness of a training bag based on the programs of Pecs, Leap Leap for the teacher of the kindergarten of the integration of self-learning Some of the educational competencies - collaborative procedural research "  The discussion and governance committee consists of:1- Prof. Nabil Al Sayed Hassan Al-Jabbas as Chairman and Discussant                        Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Early Childhood Education - Minia University2- Prof. Ashraf Mohamed Abdel Ghani Sherit Member and discussion                       Head of Department of Psychological Sciences, Faculty of Kindergarten, Alexandria University                                                      3- Prof. Magda Hashem Bakhit as a member and supervisor                      Professor and Dean of Faculty of Kindergarten - Assiut University