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The research point of the researcher Nesreen Thouainy Nagm (an Iraqi student) has been registered for the MA degree in education, curricula & methodology of teaching psychology specialisation

The department of Curricula & Methodology council agreed in the 4th, of December, 2012 to register the research point of Nesreen Thouainy Nagm (an Iraqi researcher) for the MA degree in education, curricula and methodology of teaching psychology specialisation, entitled “ ​A Suggested Program Based on Collective Thinking in Teaching Psychology to Develop Some Social Skills and Critical Thinking for Visually-Impaired Secondary Stage Students​”. This is under the supervision of: 1- Prof. Dr. Dr. Aly Sayed Abdel-Galeel​, professor and the head of curricula and methodology department, College of Education, Assiut University 2- Dr. Shaban Abd el-Azeem Ahmed​, assistant professor of curricula and methodology of teaching psychology.