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Mr. events meeting Prof. Dr. / Adel Rasmi Hammad dean of the college with the members of the Quality Assurance Unit College

In the light of events meetings Prof. Dr. / Adel Rasmi Hammad Dean of the College Met on Thursday 05/03/2015 m promptly at ten in the morning at the headquarters of the unit to ensure quality faculty  Prof. Dr. / Adel Rasmi Hammad Dean of the College With the members of the Quality Assurance Unit College Dr. / Mohammed Hamdi al-Bitar The meeting was opened by the Director of Quality Assurance Unit Welcome His Excellency Dr. / Adel Rasmi Hammad Dean of the College And offer congratulations on the occasion of the inauguration of its sovereignty as Dean Where he was to discuss some of the important topics that will develop a list of college in 2009 where it was agreed to separate the list of open tables so that the list of stage bachelor's and bachelor's and a list of Graduate Studies, in the light of the specification graduate of the College of Education and the specifications of each program and criteria for teacher preparation in each program. He also spoke highly of the need to prepare research plans for the sections and also set up an e questionnaire to evaluate the performance of faculty members and assistants, also stressed the need to develop the college site in English, because of the college's Rasmi website is the interface College The meeting is finished in exactly eleven o'clock in the morning