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Discussion of the PhD thesis in Education, specializing in mental health, submitted by researcher Dalia Hefny Othman Salem, entitled / A multi-dimensional program to improve the regulation of cognitive emotion for students with attention deficit hyperacti

Today, Tuesday, 9/3/2024, the PhD thesis in Education, specializing in mental health, submitted by researcher Dalia Hefny Othman Salem, was discussed

Titled / A multidimensional program to improve the regulation of cognitive emotion for people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in primary school students

The jury and discussion committee consisted of the following professors:

Prof. Dr. Ali Ahmed Sayed Mustafa

Professor of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education - Assiut University - Chairman and Supervisor

Prof. Dr. Khader Mukhaimer Abu Zaid

Professor of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education - Assiut University - Member and Discussant.

Prof. Dr. Khaled Saad Sayed Al-Qadi

Professor and Head of the Department of Mental Health and Dean of the Faculties of Education and Media in Qena, South Valley University -

Member and Discussant

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Abdel Mohsen Abdel Tawab Al-Hadibi

Professor of Mental Health - Faculty of Education - Assiut University

Member and Supervisor