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Strengthening of the committee overseeing the researcher / Rania Imam Mustafa teacher assistant department and restricted to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Educational Psychology)

Council Department approval psychology dated 06/01/2015 of the promotion committee overseeing the researcher / Rania Imam Mustafa assistant teacher department and restricted to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Educational Psychology) and the addition of Ms. Dr. / faith Salah al-Din Hussein Sharif Thus become the supervisory committee consisting of:    1. A . D . Mukhaimar Khader Abu Zeid, a professor of educational psychology at the Faculty of Education in Assiut   2. d . Iman Salah al-Din Hussein Sharif teacher Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, Assiut    And raise the name of Prof. Dr. / Salah al-Din al-Sharif Hussein, due to his death