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Efficient metaheuristic Utopia-based multi-objective solutions of optimal battery-mix storage for microgrids

مؤلف البحث
Ahmed Elnozahy, HS Ramadan, Farag K Abo-Elyousr
تاريخ البحث
سنة البحث
مجلة البحث
Journal of Cleaner Production
عدد البحث
تصنيف البحث
صفحات البحث
موقع البحث
ملخص البحث

The paper proposes four hybrid storage options: battery-supercapacitor, battery-flywheel, batterypumped
hydro storage, and battery-fuel cell. A probabilistic approach based on the artificial neural
network is implemented to cover the weather uncertainty. The developed options and the approach are
combined with comprehensive eco-techno-economic optimization study. Multi-objective optimization
scenarios are investigated to reduce either/both total cost or/and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
considering Utopia point approach. Two new hybrid particle swarm optimization - grasshopper optimization
algorithm (PSO-GOA) methods are developed: GOA updated PSO and GOA initialized PSO algorithms.
The effectiveness of the developed optimizers and the Utopia point approach are validated.
Sensitivity analysis is performed to demonstrate the variable parameters that majorly influence the
investment costs and GHG emissions. Through numerical simulations via Matlab™, PV modules rating
power, number of wind turbines, and the load demand are the key factors that impact the eco-technoeconomic
at Qusair city, Egypt. Through the Utopia point solution, supercapacitor integrated battery
demonstrates enhancements by 42.48% and 12.92% in the GHG and levelized cost of energy (LCOE)
compared to the economic and environmental solutions. The salvage market fosters the hybrid flywheel
and pump hydro storage integrated battery options by reducing the LCOE by 44% and 51%, respectively.