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Study Apparent Grounding Resistivity in Vertical-layer

Research Authors
Mohamed Nayel
Research Department
Research Year
Research Journal
Electric Power Components and Systems
Research Vol
VOL 42 NO.8
Research Rank
Research Abstract

Soil structure effects grounding systems designed to guarantee
safe operation of electric power systems. This work investigated
effects of the presence of two/three vertical adjacent mediums
on measured apparent soil resistivity. The Wenner method was
used to measure the apparent soil resistivity in the vertical-layer
soil. Different vertical-layer soils were studied, such as two-verticallayer
soil, three-parallel-vertical-layer soil, and three-perpendicularvertical-
layer soil. Numerical models were used to model the four
electrodes at different vertical-layer soil by using the current source
simulation method. The measured apparent soil resistivities at different
vertical-layer soils were compared with the apparent soil resistivity
at a uniform-layer soil. Results show that the apparent soil
resistivity was affected by the presence of vertical-layer/s soil. Different
parameters affected the measured apparent soil resistivity, such
as measuring angle slope with vertical layer, distance between measuring
electrodes, and distance between measuring electrodes and
interface between the vertical-layer soil.