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Due to the close and strong link between the environment and many of ‎the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s), the United Nations has ‎developed a framework agreement to enhance the global response to the ‎threat of climate changes and to accelerate and intensify the necessary ‎actions and investments to ensure a sustainable future.‎‏ ‏This increases ‎the responsibility of both stakeholders and concerned entities on the ‎one hand and Arab scientists and researchers on the other hand ‎towards their environment to keep pace with the world in its ‎development and progress to find the necessary solutions to combat ‎climate changes and its effects. Hence, we continue to hold this Arab ‎International Conference in its twelfth edition to reach the drawing of ‎a unified Arab Environmental map and to work on laying the ‎scientific foundations to maintain sustainable development for the ‎benefit of all Arab world countries, according to the future vision in ‎the Arab countries.‎

The topics of the Conference :‎

‎1-Sustainable Development Goals and how to achieve their goals and ‎measure indicators.‎
‎2-The environmental effects of climate change and how to overcome ‎them.‎
‎3- Environmental pollutants and how to treat and reduce them‏ ‏‏)‏biological- chemical – physical pollution‏- ‏‎ electromagnetic-…..etc.).‎
‎4. Population communities and optimization of geographic information ‎systems and remote sensing.‎
‎5-Biological Diversity.‎
‎6-Waste management and recycling.‎
‎7-Desertification and land reclamation،
‎8-Improving the efficiency and management of energy systems and the ‎use of new and renewable energy sources.‎‏ ‏
‎9- Management of Water Resources.‎
‎10-Role of stakeholders and concerned entities in finding solutions to ‎various environmental‏ ‏and developments issues (‎‏ ‏NGOs ).‎
‎11- Information technology, artificial intelligence, and digital ‎transformation and fourth – generation wars and beyond in ‎addressing climate change issues & environments.‎
‎12- Contemporary environmental issues and its relation to low- arts – ‎media – health and society……… etc. ‎
‎13- Any other topics related to environment and development.‎