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Alumni News and Updates

Alumni News and Updates

We are keen on Keeping our graduates updated with what is new in technology; our ultimate goal is to engage them in the fourth industrial ‘technological’ revolution. Thus, we regularly hold a number of effective seminars, camps, training, workshops, and events. And here is an example of our latest ones.

All contractors and staff support services workers to go to the Department of Legal Affairs for the university only received their own contracts and delivered to the Department of Management
The College of Pharmacy Their need for a job(Director of Administrative Affairs )  And that among permanent employees and university colleges and university hospitals Terms of the job :- Get…
The College of Physical Education at the Assiut University   Its need to: - ( (2) purchases specialist to work managing financial affairs ) And that among permanent employees and university colleges…
Terms of Competition Competition takes place on the two systems , and the individual system and the system of the difference , and the conditions of the competition are as follows: 1 - competition…
Web Based Information Systems section will be held on Thursday, 26/12/2013 of time (9:11) runway (2 a) faculty.
Department of Computer Science is honored to invite you to attend a discussion of a special master /Shatha Nabil Mohamed Abdel Aziz ( Yemeni nationality) Under the title :Design Efficient Meta-…
Faculty members control heads - and faculty members ( heads of committees viewings ) - The assistant faculty members ( observers ) and employees ( observers ) Greetings , , , , Will meet  Prof. Dr…
For the second year students  Technical reports extra section will be held on Thursday, 12.19.2013 of time (11: 1) classes (5.6, 9, 10) runway 3 college
For the second year students  Computer organization midterm exam for Dr. / Hisham Abdul Ghaffar will be held on Tuesday, 12.24.2013 of time (5: 6) runways (1.2) faculty. 
For the first year students (Group Dr / Mohammed Yasin)Was canceled a lecture circuits to  Dr. / Mohammed Yassin today approved 12/17/2013 and students to attend tomorrow 18/12 with Dr. / Mansour
Sit number for first semester exams 2013/2014
For first year students Scientific thinking for dr / Mahmoud midterm exam will be held on Sunday, 15/12/2013 of time (4: 6) runways (1,4,5) college