Community Services
- Contributing in international, national projects and others:
- Participating at V.C project with education development box HEEPF.
- Participating at continuous development project and quality assurance.
- Active cultural protocols between faculty and international organizations:
- University protocol with faculty of computer information Debna University at Canada.
- Protocol with Mubarak Academy for sciences.
- University protocol with Razan University at Russia.
- Analyzing faculty’s external community:
- This includes studying group of factors and external ones, which may have a role in the future that will help in changing faculty’s external environment. In accordance those expected changing factors, could be threatening or creating new chances, faculty might take advantage from them. External analysis of faculty of computer information at Assiut University, is based on a group of external effective factors, could be listed as:
- Profiteers
- Competitors
- Market directions
- Current rules
- Partners
- Political and organizational factors
- Economic factors
- Social factors
- Technology factors
The last four factors are known as Macro-environmental variables and analyzed by using PEST tool. SWOT analysis is summarizing effective external factors of the faculty, in the shape of chances and challenges. Those factors has an impact on environment internal elements, which were previously mentioned in environment internal analysis.