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A .Net Framework Approach for a Network Monitoring Tool

Research Authors
Islam A.T.F. Taj-Eddin

Research Department
Research Journal
International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), ISBN-(973-93-80870-79-8), Doi: 10.5120/8788-2769

Research Rank
Research Publisher
Published by Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), New York, USA
Research Vol
Volume 55, Number 10
Research Website
Research Year
Research Abstract

Tools that monitor the performance of a PC are an essential part of today’s quality control of the computer systems. Such resources needed to be monitored are the Memory, the CPU, the Power Consumption and the Network. Network Monitoring tools aim to audit and keep track of certain parameters to ensure the network’s efficiency and to provide information that will assist in the network analysis. Network Monitoring tools are usually costly and not flexible enough to be adapted to the needs of the user. The problem of having a flexible, free and modern, in respect to the common industry knowledge, Network Monitoring tool is the goal of this paper. The solution aims to be a .Net framework open source product that is flexible to be adapted to the user's needs. It can be used by a single PC to monitor that PC’s network or can be installed on a gateway PC to monitor the entire network. The proposed .Net solution is comparable with commercial and open source solutions. The comparison will show that the proposed .Net framework open source solution contains extra features that do not exist in neither commercial nor open source solutions.