علوم الحاسب
نظم المعلومات
تكنولوجيا المعلومات
أ.د/يوسف بسيونى مهدي
معماريات الحاسبات الحديثة
د/ نجوى…
The center of technological innovation and entrepreneurship at the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology will organize training courses for third year students in the faculties of…
The final seminar held to Researcher / Mohammed Hamid Afifi "Yemen" titled:
Developing hybrid Machine learning ToolsFor Intelligent Data ClassificationAt one pm Seminar Hall First Floor laboratories…
* All exams begin at nine in the morning and all students should bring card undergraduate (Rnyh) and show them upon request* Hold written examinations for students of the first and second divisions 1…
Thursday, 16/05/2013
• Fourth year students (computer science) parallel programming Laboratory (1B, 1D)
• Fourth year students (information system) GIS (GIS Lab)
• Fourth year students (information…
To the members of the faculty and staff at the University and who have the desire to obtain the cards of subsidized gasoline and dieselData recording for you to own a (name - national number - Job-…
Lecture will be given a statistical analysis and its applications
prof / Abdul Baset Abdullah on Wednesday, 15/5 at 8:30 am instead of specific math lecture by Dr. / Osama Rashid