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MCIT- Google initiative for android training

MCIT- Google initiative for android training About the Program The program was launched in early 2015 to help Egypt’s talent pool excel in mobile app innovation and entrepreneurship. Through the end of 2016, 2,000 Egyptian developers will be selected to receive free online bilingual training on Android development fundamentals through Udacity, an online educational platform, and will be granted scholarships for certification. In addition, graduates of the training program will participate in startup competitions and career fairs to help connect them with meaningful career opportunities in mobile application development.   As part of our mandate to empower the role of academia as an effective and influential partner in the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem, and because we are keen to realize the maximum value of this initiative, we would like to invite you to create a chapter of the program at your university to secure up to 150 scholarships for your students and alumni to participate in the program between June and September, 2016.   Program Benefits Creating your own university chapter of the Mobile App Launchpad will give you the opportunity to build a community of students and alumni with practical and professional Android development experience. Using program curriculum developed directly by Google and Udacity, your university can help students build relevant skills and knowledge that may otherwise be difficult to embed within your existing curriculum.   What is required to participate?   1.     Student & Alumni Recruitment: Recruit a minimum of 25 students / alumni and a maximum of 150 students / alumni to apply to the program. All applicants are required to complete an online application, an online assessment, and pass an in-person multiple choice technical assessment in order to be accepted into the program. Applicant eligibility requirements are outlined on the following page.  2.     Candidate Review & Selection: Participate in the selection of the final candidates from your school’s applicant pool. This will be done by hosting a 30-minute in-person technical assessment at your university for all eligible applicants.   3.     Study Group Staffing & Facilitation: Host and staff weekly Study Group sessions for your students and alumni for the 10-week duration of the course. Study Group leaders support students with in-person lessons and office hours that supplement their online learning. One Study Group leader (a TA or PhD student from the university) will be required for every 25 participants and sessions should be hosted on campus.    Program Timeline April 1, 2016 Deadline for your university to express interest in joining the program. April 10, 2016 Deadline to have students apply for the next program session which begins in June. Deadline to nominate Study Group Leaders from your university. June 20 - September 3, 2016 Program Session runs for accepted applicants   Please review the details on the following page and contact no later than April 1, 2016. For more information about the Mobile App Launchpad program, visit We would also be happy to host informational sessions at your university to inform students about how to apply and participate.   Sincerely,     Dalia Gamal   Program Applicant Requirements   Students who apply to the program must meet the following requirements: ●      Be Egyptian ●      Have at least 2 years of programming experience in Java or another object-oriented programming language (for example: C++, Objective C or Python) ●      Be a student or graduate with a graduation year from 2010 to 2017     Study Group Leader Role Requirements, Responsibilities & Benefits   Requirements ●      University degree in Software Engineering or related field ●      4+ years of Java experience; strong preference for candidates with Android-specific experience ●      Strong communication skills in both Arabic and English ●      Completion of the Android Fundamentals Udacity course within 4 weeks of being selected as a Study Group Leader ●      Flexibility in using or learning to use different methods for tracking and conveying information such as Google Docs, forums, chat programs and email ●      Prior experience teaching/tutoring students of multiple levels of mastery   Benefits ●      Selected Teaching Assistants will receive 60 EGP per hour for up to 8 hours per week for a minimum of 10 weeks between March and October 2016 ●      Selected Teaching Assistants will also become eligible for a full scholarship to the Udacity Android Nanodegree program -- a comprehensive certificate program to become Android certified by Udacity and Google ●      Selected Teaching Assistants will receive free TOT on how to run and manage the study groups ●      Universities will have the opportunity to institutionalize essential Android development best practices by receiving direct training support from Google and Udacity   Responsibilities ●      Facilitate weekly or biweekly study group sessions for 3 to 6 hours per week  ●      Complete and submit attendance reports to the Mobile App Launchpad team on a weekly basis and attend mandatory study group leader weekly meetings (2 hours per week)  ●      Ensure that your students receive the best possible learning experience by motivating and working with them, mentoring them as they develop their portfolio and review the course materials  ●      Challenge advanced students and simplify material for those who are struggling