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2nd grade program competition

Terms of Competition Competition takes place on the two systems , and the individual system and the system of the difference , and the conditions of the competition are as follows: 1 - competition takes place in the period from Saturday, 1/25/2013 until Thursday, 13/02/2013 2 - are judging on Thursday, 13/02/2013 , and the result will be announced on the same day 3 - is required in joint programs in the competition to be one of my CNN Plus Plus or JavaScript 4 - is required in joint programs in the competition to be a visual programming system unless necessary to let the other 5 - delivery report from the commander of each project in a maximum on Wednesday, 12/02/2013 talking about the characterization of the functions performed by the program accompanying the competition   In addition to those conditions for a difference : 1 - at least the number of members of the team for four members and no more than 10 members 2 - should be half of the members of the team , at least from the Second Division 3 - Must be a team leader ( team spokesman ) of the Second Division 4 - Allows use of students from the first division and the third college to be counted among the members of the team 5 - Allows use of Bmaid one for each team to be counted among the members of the team In addition to those conditions for individual system : 1 - must be a student of the second year .   Arbitration way : Arbitration is the competition in two phases : • The first phase is to make sure the fit of the report of each project with the project , and the project conform to the terms of the contest, and the exclusion of the projects are non- decent • In the second phase is the differentiation between all the projects are arranged in ascending order   Award Winner: 1 - The college handed over certificates of excellence accredited by the college to the owners of the winning projects Contest coordinator of the Second Division   Abdulrahman Mohammed Assem facebook/groups/2ndgradeprogramcompetition/