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invite you to attend a discussion of master /Shatha Nabil Mohamed Abdel Aziz

Department of Computer Science is honored to invite you to attend a discussion of a special master /Shatha Nabil Mohamed Abdel Aziz ( Yemeni nationality) Under the title :Design Efficient Meta- Heuristic Algorithms for Graph Domination Under the supervision of professors :1 - Prof / Adel Abu El-Majd Suisse professor and deputy dean of computers and information - for Graduate Studies - University of Assiut2 - Dr / Abdel-Rahman Haidar Abdel- Rahman, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science Faculty of Computing and Information - University of Assiut And the Committee to judge the message consisting of Messrs.1 - Prof/ Ibrahim Mohamed Mahmoud Henawy professor emeritus at the Faculty of Computers and Information - Zagazig University2 - Dr / Tayseer Hassan Abdel Hamid Acting Chairman of the Department of Information Systems - Faculty of Computers and Information - University of Assiut3 - Prof/ Adel Abu El-Majd Suisse professor and deputy dean of compters and information - for Graduate Studies - University of AssiutAnd so on Wednesday, 25/12/2013 at eleven am in the Department of Computer Science (First Floor Building) in the College of Computers and Information .Public Invitation