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Mid-term exam will be held for Basic Information Technology by Prof. / Hosni Mohamed on Monday, 13/11/2017 from 10: 12 in halls (3, 8) at the college.
Mid-term exam will be held for Islamic culture by Prof. Dr. Moatamed on Tuesday, 14/11/2017 from 12: 1 in the halls (1, 2, 3) at the college.
Mid-term exam will be held for the year Object oriented programming By Dr. Mamdouh Farouk on Thursday, 9/11/2017 from 11: 1 in the halls (2, 4, 5, 8) at the college.
Mid-term exam will be held for Strategy, management and acquisition of information systems  Dr. Mohammed Fawzi, on Tuesday, 7/11/2011 from 3: 5 in the halls  (2-3-4) faculty.
Mid-term exam will be held for Operating Systems byDr. Khaled Fathy on Monday, 20/11/2017, from 8.30 am in the halls (2,3) at the college.
Material Essentials Information Systems section  Class 3 became on Tuesday from 8:10 at a lab (3 D) from Wednesday, 9:11.  
Section advanced database Chapter 5 became on Tuesday from 12:2 hours in a lab (3 D) instead of Tuesday from 8:10  
The year's Business Examination (quality of information) for Dr. Tayseer Hasan will take place on Sunday 19/11/2017 from 9:30 -10 hours with runway (2.8) in the college.  
The business examination for the year will be conducted by Dr. Najwa Muhammad's computer networks on Wednesday 15/11/2017 from 1:11 pm (5, 8) at the computer and Information College.  
The business examination for the year will be conducted by Dr. Ahmed Tabouba's advanced databases on Wednesday 1/11/2017 from 3:5 hours (2, 3, 5, 8) at the Faculty of Computing and information.
  The mid term exam will be conducted by the computer network analysis and design for Dr. Najwa Mohammed on Thursday 9/11/2017 from 3, 30:30:30 PMin hall 1 in the Faculty of Computing and…
The business examination for the year will be conducted by Dr. Ahmed Taboubah's Information Systems basics on Thursday 2/11/2017 from 11:9 hours (2, 3, 4, 8) at the Faculty of Computing and…