Unit of disasters and crises
We have been in an era where disasters and crises became rare to be happened, so the faculty must be ready, in such a crisis and disasters. So it is a must that the faculty to put previous plans and preparation, as to confront such of these disasters, that might happen at the faculty. According to this, a unit must be constructed as to be specialized in managing such disasters and crisis at the faculty and to be an administrative unit with all responsibilities involving a specialized team to manage disasters and crisis.
It is a defect that affects financially on faculty’s system. As it threatens main hypothesis that the system is built on.
Two conditions must be present, in order the crisis to be happened:
- The whole system to be affected to a high limit.
- Hypothesis and facts that faculty members believe in, a state to be confronted. In other words: crisis is considered the main threat for the continuity of the faculty.
It is the state that already happened and lead to destruction and loss in human and financial resources. Its reasons may be natural or humanistic. In some cases it is not alerted. It needs some precautions to be taken, as to reach normal state again. Disaster may lead to crisis and vice versa. Crisis may lead to disasters, in case that needed procedures are not taken immediately.
To implement effective internal system, as to provide safety and security inside faculty’s buildings.
Unit’s Mission
To implement effective internal system, as to provide safety and security inside faculty’s facilities, seeking for internal stability at the faculty.
- To provide safety and security for humanity.
- Securing faculty’s building against fires, crisis and disasters.
- Achieving guidelines of safety and security.
- To spread awareness between employees and students. To train them on how to act wisely.
Unit’s administrative board:
- Prof. Dr\ Dean of the faculty (chief executive officer)
- Prof. Dr\ Faculty’s deputy for community services and environment development affairs (Vice president)
- Dr. Unit’s manager (Unit’s coordinator)
- Chairmen of the scientific departments' councils, members:
Prof. Faculty’s custodian- member
Mr. Security supervisor at the faculty- member
- Managers of some administrations:
Responsible of clinic at the faculty- member
One of students- member
Roles of unit’s team
- Mohamed Galal Ali (responsible of information unit and environmental awareness)
- To provide needed information, to manage the crisis and help them to do their work through planning and taking decisions.
- To do a data base about crisis and disasters that the faculty has faced and how they were confronted.
- To spread culture of environmental awareness between workers at the faculty, through symposiums and practical trainings.
- To do guiding pamphlets with general storing rules inside stores and to be distributed among workers, as to know their duties and responsibilities.
- Darwesh Abo Taleb (Responsible of civil safety)
- To make sure of extinguishment means safety, among buildings of the faculty, through its efficiency and availability to be used.
- To check safety of alert devices at the faculty.
- To make sure that guiding and alert signs are present.
- To do monthly report about building safety, facilities, duties and responsibilities.