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ZLang: A Scripting Language for Digital Content
Creation Applications

Research Authors
MohamedYousef ,Ahmed Hashem ,Hassan Saad ,Khaled Hussain
Research Department
Research Journal
International Journal of Computer Applications
Research Member
Research Rank
Research Vol
Volume 50 – No.5
Research Year
Research Abstract

Digital Content Creation (DCC) Applications (e.g. Blender,
Autodesk 3ds Max) have long been used for the creation and
editing of digital content (e.g. Images, videos). Due to current
advancement in the field, the need for controlled automated
work forced these applications to add support for scripting
languages that gave power to artists without diving into many
details. With time these languages developed into more
mature languages and were used for more complex tasks
(driving physics simulations, controlling particle systems, or
even game engines).For long, these languages have been
interpreted, embedded within the applications, lagging the UIs
or incomparable with real programming languages (regarding
Completeness, Expressiveness, Extensibility and
Abstractions). In this paper, we present a high level scripting
language (Zlang) and a DCC Engine that addresses those
problems. The language can be interpreted, compiled,
extended in C/C++ and has a number of constructs, and
optimizations dedicated to DCC domain. The engine provides
geometric primitives, mesh modifiers, key-framed animation
and Physics Simulations (Rigid Body, and Cloth Simulations).
The engine is designed and implemented as a library so it can
be used alone or embedded.