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Discussion of the doctoral dissertation submitted by the researcher / Ashraf Sayed Abu Al-Ela, entitled “Criminal Protection of the Human Right to Health” “A Comparative Study”

The doctoral dissertation submitted by the researcher / Ashraf Sayed Abu Al-Ela will be discussed with the title

Criminal protection of the human right to health "a comparative study"

The discussion committee consists of a. Dr. Hilali Abdulla Ahmed Musharraf and Chairman of the Committee, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Shafi Ismail, Member of the Committee,

a. Dr. Muhammad Zain Al-Abidin Taher, Member of the Committee, Prof. Dr. Hossam Mohamed El-Sayed Musharraf and member

And that will be at ten in the morning on Wednesday 30/30/2022 AD

In the conference hall of the Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut University