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Discussion of the doctoral thesis submitted by the researcher / Fahd Al-Rahman Ali Abdul-Rahman (Kuwaiti Nationality) entitled “Rules of Functional Conduct and Modern Communication Crimes - A Comparative Study”

The doctoral dissertation submitted by the researcher / Fahd Al-Rahman Ali Abdul-Rahman (Kuwaiti nationality) with the title . will be discussed

Rules of functional behavior and modern communication crimes - a comparative study

The discussion committee consists of Professor Dr. Tharwat Abdel-Aal Ahmed, Professor of Public Law - Faculty of Law - Assiut University - Supervisor and Chairman of the Arbitration Committee,

Professor Dr. Hossam Mohamed El-Sayed, Assistant Professor of Criminal Law and Undersecretary for Education and Student Affairs - Faculty of Law - Assiut University - Member of the Jury,

Counselor Dr. Nabil Mohamed Abdel Halim Awaja - Vice-President of the State Council - Member of the Arbitration Committee,

This will be at eleven o'clock in the morning on Thursday, March 31, 2022 AD

In the conference hall of the Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut University