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Discussion of the doctoral thesis submitted by the researcher / Hamid Hashem Abdul Hussein (Iraqi) entitled "International protection for groups affected by armed conflicts - Iraq as a model"

The doctoral dissertation submitted by the researcher / Hamid Hashem Abdul Hussein (Iraqi nationality) will be discussed with the title

International protection for groups affected by armed conflicts - Iraq as a model

The discussion committee consists of Professor  Dr. Essam Mohamed Ahmed Zenati, Professor of Public International Law and Vice President of Assiut University

Previously for Education and Student Affairs - Faculty of Law - Assiut University - supervisor and head of the jury,

Professor  Dr. Muammar Ratib Mohamed, Professor and Head of the Department of Public International Law - Faculty of Law - Assiut University - Supervisor and member of the Jury,

Professor  Dr. Osama Arafat Amin, Professor and Head of the Department of Public International Law - Faculty of Sharia and Law - Al-Azhar University in Assiut - Member of the Jury,

This will be at 2:00 PM on Wednesday 30/3/2022 AD

In the discussion room in the administrative building of Assiut University