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The date of opening the grievances of the four teams regularly and affiliation on the outcome of the second semester the role of May 2017

It was decided to open the door of grievances for the four teams regularly and affiliation due to the outcome of the second semester the role of May 2017 As of 18/7/2017, the deadline for submission of grievances is Thursday, 7/9/2017 Grievance examination dates for all four teams: 1 - the first band (regularity - and affiliation) on Monday, 11/9/2017 2 - the second band (regularity - and affiliation) on Tuesday, 12/9/2017 3 - the third (regularity - and affiliation) on Wednesday, 13/9/2017 4 - the fourth (regularity - and affiliation) on Thursday, 14/9/2017 Notice that the place of examination of grievances is listed (1) in the administrative building at the faculty at ten o'clock in the morning