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Discussion of the master's thesis submitted by the researcher / Muhammad Haji Samri Rowaii Salem Al-Azmi - Kuwaiti nationality - under the title "Administrative and Criminal Protection of Public Funds in Egyptian, Kuwaiti and French Law"

Discussion of the master's thesis submitted by the researcher / Muhammad Hajji Samri Rowaii Salem Al-Azmi - Kuwaiti nationality

Under the title "Administrative and Criminal Protection of Public Money in Egyptian, Kuwaiti and French Law"

Note that the jury on the thesis is composed of each of the following gentlemen:

1- Prof. Dr. Tharwat Abdel Aal Ahmed, Professor of Public Law, Faculty of Law, 
Assiut University, Supervisor and Chairman of the Judging Committee

2- Prof. Hossam Mohamed El-Sayed Effendi, Professor and Head of the Department of 
Criminal Law and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law, Assiut University, member of the 
Referee Committee

3- Counselor Dr. Nabil Muhammad Awaja, Counselor at the State Council, member of the
 Governance Committee

On Tuesday 12/20/2022 at ten in the morning in the discussion hall in the administrative 
building of the university