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Dedicate scientific library of the late world Galilee Prof. Ahmed Hafez Hassan Faculty of Specific Education, Assiut University

Fulfillment of the commandment of the late world Galilee Prof. Dr. / Ahmed Hafez Hassan Professor Metalworking Department of occupancy art and folklore Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University, formerly, the family precious donated Scientific Library its own to the Faculty of Specific Education, Assiut University by schoolgirl Dr / Alaa El Din Ahmed Mohammed Hamid Teacher, Department of Art Education occupancy metals Faculty of Specific Education Assiut and will be added this library value to the library graduate college was stated by Prof. Dr. / Mansour forgotten Dean of the Faculty of Specific Education, Assiut University, which stated that this gifting scientific values ​​is a scoop for the library science faculty and the addition of upscale would be paid scientists and researchers to do the same to provide libraries of scientific Egyptian Arabic books and literature in various branches of science and knowledge. was confirmed by Dr / Amani Zidane Abdullah and Deputy Dean of Faculty of Specific Education for Graduate Studies and Research on the importance of these messages and their scientific value and high intellectual and diversity of subjects in the field of metalworking in particular and the fine arts in general. For his part, Dr. / Yasser Mohamed Fadl supervisor of the Department of Technical Education College expressed his appreciation and gratitude for this thicket of scientific, which will enrich the Library of Graduate Studies in the field of metalworking and serve as a river science that draws him to all researchers and scholars and those interested in the arts Fine. has stated Prof. Dr. / Mansour forgotten Dean that the library includes a number 91 volumes of publications Theses master's and doctoral (specializing in Art Education works metals), and by the late Prof. Dr. / Ahmed Hafez Hassan supervise them, discussed and judged to researchers from various universities in the Republic During the period from 1985 to 2013, and will be adding these messages scientific value to the library graduate college until the benefit of all students, researchers and those interested in the field of fine arts from various pioneers Almitrdan the library. greeting and appreciation and reverence and gratitude and the gratitude due to the spirit of the late Qadeer Prof. Dr. / Ahmed Hafez good 'Metalworking professor at the Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University on your preference recommendation competence of the Faculty of Specific Education Assiut بإهدائها of valuable scientific library. and thanks go to his family stones on the implementation of the late great commandment.Depends,,,     DeanA. D / Mansour forgotten