Assiut University organizes
the Third Assembly for Reviving Our Beautiful Language, Under
the Slogan of "By Manifested Arab Tongue" with participation of
20 of Egyptian Universities under the auspices of Prof. Hany
Helal, the Minister of Higher Education and State for Scientific
Research , and Prof. Moustafa Kamal the President of the
The President of the university declared that the assembly aims
to confirm for the Egyptian students on the importance of the
language in keeping on the nations' cultural identity, revive
our beautiful Arab language, and connect the new generations
with the mother language in facing the different threatens.
Prof. Said Ahmed Ibrahim, the Vice-President for the Students
Affairs and Education added that the assembly includes number of
competitions in the Holy Quran and Sunna of the Prophet: the
Criticism, poetry, and short novel. Beside the assembly, the
University organizes a campaign, entitled with "Al Aqsa in Our
Hearts", which is a symbolic stance aims to deep the values of
Arab belonging to the Arab students in a peaceful and well
arranged manner expressing the Egyptian students refusing the
Israeli crimes against Al Aqsa Mosque.
The Third Assembly for Reviving Our Beautiful Language In Assiut University