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Within the presidential initiative "a new beginning for human construction".Assiut University organizes an introductory day for children "Plant your tree" to develop environmental awareness


Prof.El-Minshawy: Effective and influential participation from all sectors of the university in the presidential initiative "A New Beginning; for Human Building"

Prof. Ahmed El-Minshawy, President of Assiut University, stressed the comprehensiveness of the presidential initiative "A New Beginning; to Build the Human Being", which targets all segments of society, from children and youth to the elderly, by focusing on vital areas, targeting all age groups; such as health, education, culture, sports, and providing job opportunities.

Prof. El-Minshawy explained that Assiut University launches a set of events and programs that cover all fields and axes of the initiative; in which all sectors of the university participate; in cooperation with a number of entities and bodies outside the university, through which the university provides many awareness messages in the health, environmental and psychological fields.

In this context, the faculty of Early Childhood Education launched an introductory day for children, as part of the "New Beginning; to Build the Human Being" initiative; under the title "Plant your Tree" organized by the faculty of the nursery; which carried the slogan (We only have one land) and aimed at developing environmental awareness among children, and enhancing their sensory, behavioral and health skills; under the supervision of Prof. Mahmoud Abdul Aleem, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and Dr. Yara Ibrahim, Dean of the Faculty of Early Childhood Education.

Prof. Mahmoud Abdul Aleem explained that this event comes within the sub-programs of the presidential initiative "A New Beginning; Human Development", which targets children from the age of one day to 6 years, through the development of their awareness, and building social, health, and psychologically, expressing his happiness with the participation of children in the event and their enthusiasm for the idea of planting trees.

Dr. Yara Ibrahim stressed that this event targets children aged 3-10 years to develop environmental awareness among children, through a continuum of practical and theoretical activities throughout the day that they can do to help protect the earth, pointing out that the event provided the opportunity for children to experience agriculture by planting seedlings in the nursery garden.

The "Grow Your Tree" event witnessed the presence of Dr. Lamia Ahmed Kadwani, Vice Dean of the Faculty for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Dr. Manal Anwar Sayed, Vice Dean of the faculty for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs, Ms. Marwa Jaafar, Director of the   Nursery, a group of faculty members and their assistants, nursery teachers, and several employees.




