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Assiut University Associate Professor Wins State Award In Biological Sciences

Dr. Gamal Abdel Raaouf Badr, Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Assiut University has won a State Incentive Award in the field of biological sciences. Dr. Badr got his Master's degree in 2001 and PhD in 2005 from the University of Southern Paris 11, France, and worked at the University of Montreal, Canada for two years. In 2008, he conducted a research work on the treatment of hepatitis C for which he won an award for best research. Dr Badr had also worked as a visiting professor at the University of Ataturk, Turkey . Dr. Bader has won this year’s state award for his remarkable distinction and contributions on both domestic and international levels. This is the outcome of a total number of 47 search works; 8 of which concern the use of Nano-molecules  on eliminating carcinoma cells.  Additionally, one of his research works was selected by an American corporation as a resource for international drug firm due to its results proving the negative impact of pregnant mothers’ malnutrition on the child’s immunity.  Thus, Assiut University has obtained the total number of five Awards, three of them are State Awards.