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Training Programs to Elevate Professional Performance

Under the auspices of Dr. Mostafa M. Kamal, President of Assiut University, the general Administration for Youth Care intends to hold the second training program for specialists from 23 -25 March, 2013. Trainers will include university professors such as: Dr. Mansour Mansi, Dean of the Faculty of Specific Education, Dr. Sherif El Sanousi, Dean of the Faculty of Social Work, and Dr. Gamal M. Ali, Dean of the Faculty of Specific Education.     Ms. Dalal M. Khalil, General Director of the Administration of Youth  indicated that these training programs aim at qualifying a generation of officers and specialists to handle administrative and technical tasks at the youth administrations in Assiut University. Ms. Khalil also added that the training program will include comprehensive explanations of the Youth Specialist's tasks such as dealing with students, professional relationships, practicing activities, and ways to handle and succeed in the execution of activities for students' sake. It is noteworthy that this program focuses on the technicalities of task handling since the first program, held last October, focused on administrative sides and it covered comprehensive orientation for all specialists in all youth administrations of the university. It also included other aspects related to the laws regulating the work of youth care, liabilities, duties, and several other aspects of financial and penal regulations. Ms. Khalil asserted that a number of 84 specialists from the various administrations of youth in the university attended and benefitted from the October program.