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Initiating a VATS lobectomy program in Egypt,Assiut experience

مؤلف البحث
Hussein Elkhayat
Mahmoud Atef
Emad Zarief Kamel Säïd
ahmed elminshawy
مجلة البحث
Conference: The 14th Regional Annual Assembly of the Egyptian Scientific Society of Bronchology (ESSB), At Cairo
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During the first half of the 20th century, thoracoscopy was used almost exclusively for the management of pleural effusions and pulmonary tuberculosis starting with nonspecific instruments, a cystoscopy, and continue to develop with the increasing use with time until the tremendous success of laparoscopic procedures in the 1980s which gave impetus to surgeons to apply this technology to increase feasibility and use of minimal invasive approaches in more difficult thoracic surgery operations. But what if we do not have this technology of high definition cameras, specialized VATS instruments or endostaplers. Most literature reviews recommendation about learning curves for VATS lobectomy is to do more than 100 cases of minor VATS procedure before starting to perform VATS lobectomy. We try to demonstrate our local experience of implementing a VATS lobectomy program in a cardiothoracic surgery department after completing our first 51 cases of minor VATS procedures.