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Topical use of tranexamic acid versus epinephrine to optimise surgical field during exploratory tympanotomy. Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain Medicine.

مؤلف البحث
rasha Hamed and Esam HAMED
مجلة البحث
المشارك في البحث
ملخص البحث

Objective: To explore the effect of diluting tranexamic acid as 1000 mg versus epinephrine as 1 mg in a
volume of 200 mL of normal saline used for local washing and rinsing of the used gauze at the surgical
bleeding sites during microscopic ear surgeries.
Methods: In a randomised, double-blind trial, sixty patients scheduled for elective microscopic
exploratory tympanotomy consented to participate after meeting the inclusion criteria. Patients
assigned using the balanced block randomisation method into two similar groups; one received
tranexamic acid (TXA), and the other received epinephrine. The outcome of the study focused on blood
pressure, heart rate, quality of surgical field assessed via Boezaart score, the volume of bleeding, and the
incidence of complications.
Results: The more prominent findings were the statistically significant and favourable surgical field
assessment according to the Boezaart score, and lower estimates of bleeding demonstrated in the TXA
group compared to the epinephrine group, along the time of the study P-value was < 0.05. The
haemodynamic monitoring showed promising changes in the TXA group compared with the epinephrine
group in terms of lower mean blood pressure and lower heart rate that reached the level of statistical
significance during the time of the study.
Conclusion: the use of topical tranexamic acid during microscopic ear surgeries is associated with a better
surgical field, less bleeding, and favourable haemodynamic parameters compared to epinephrine.