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Prevelance of intestinal parasites and bacteria among food handlers in a tertiary care hospital

Research Authors
Zaglool D.A., Khodari Y.A.,Othman R. A.,Farooq M.U.
Research Department
Research Journal
Nigerean medical Journal
Research Rank
Research Vol
Research Year
Research Abstract

A cross –sectional study was conducted in the kitchen of a tertiary care hospital from February 2 to 27, 2009.Two hundred food handlers who did not take treatment for any intestinal element within 3 months prior to the study were included.The stool samples were examined for intestinal parasites following direct microscopic examination , formal ether concentration , and stainning with modified acid fast staining technique. Fingernail materials were examined microscopically for enteropathogenic bacteria and parasFor enteropathogenic bacteria samples were inoculated on to MacConkey ,s agar deoxychoclate citrate agar, xylose lysine deoxychoclate agar as in the WHO protocolites.The finding emphasized the importance of food handlers are potential sources of infections and suggested health institutions for appropriate hygienic and sanitary control measures.