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The results of use of radial head prosthesis in treatment of fracture head of radius

Research Authors
Aly Mohamdeen, Waleed Riad Saleh,
Research Journal
Pan Arab journal of orthopedic and trauma
Research Publisher
Research Rank
Research Vol
Vol (18), No (1)
Research Website
Research Year
Research Abstract

Introduction: over the years, the indication for the use of a radial head prosthesis changed from the preventionof heterotopic ossification to the prevention of proximal migration of the radius and instability of the elbow. Currently , optimal indication of radial head prosthesis is unreconstructable radial head fracture with associated elbow injuries.
Patients and methods: between 2010 and early 2013, 14 patients suffering from fracture head of radius were treated by prosthesis. 9 males and 5 females with mean age of 40.7 years.
Results: mean follow up was 13.3 months (6-30 months). according to Mayo Elbow Performance Score (MEPS) 4 patients had excellent , 8 good while 2 had poor outcome.
Conclusions: Radial head prosthesis have found a definite place in treatment of complex radial head fractures. Material and designs have improved and even the indication has changed from prevention of bone formation to prevention of instability