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Positive impact of pre-Ramadan education on glycemic control and reducing risk of hypoglycemia in type 2 diabetic elderly patients during COVID 19 pandemic.

Research Authors
Lobna F El Toony, Shimaa A Elghazally, Dina Ali Hamad
Research Date
Research Journal
Primary Care Diabetes
Research Publisher
Research Vol
Volume 16, Issue 4
Research Website
Research Year
Research Abstract


Elderly patients have higher risks for complications during Ramadan fasting. Educating patients is essential for fasting safely.


To evaluate the impact of pre-Ramadan education in reducing risk of hypoglycemia and achieving glycemic control in elderly.


A prospective study carried out in outpatients clinics of Internal Medicine department in Assiut university hospital. It included 316 type 2 diabetic patients who intended to fast. They were grouped into 2 groups; < 65 years and ≥ 65 years patients. The patients received pre-Ramadan individual education sessions. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect the data to stratify the risk of fasting. The study was carried out in 3 phases. Assessment of hypoglycemia and biochemical parameters after the education was the primary outcome.


Fasting blood glucose decreased during and after Ramadan in elderly significantly (p = 0.0001 …