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Standards for structured reporting of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scans: best practice recommendations by the Pan Arab Osteoporosis Society

Research Authors
Yasser El Miedany, Maha El Gaafary, Naglaa Gadallah, Riad Sulimani, Nadia S AlAli, Ziad Alzoubi, Atef Abdel Azim, Nizar Abdulateef, Gemma Adib, Mohamed Elwy, Mustafa Khalid Al Izzi, Abdellah El Maghraoui, Safaa Mahran, Basel K Masri, Samar Al Emadi, Moham
Research Journal
Egyptian Rheumatology and Rehabilitation
Research Publisher
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Research Year
Research Abstract

Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is an important diagnostic test for bone mass status. The aim of this work was to set the standards for structured reporting of DXA measurements in adults within the context of fracture and fall risk assessment.


Two rounds of Delphi were completed. The first Delphi round had a 68% response rate, while round two had a 100% response rate. After round 2, a total of 28 items were obtained, which were classified into three domains. The percentage of people who agreed with the recommendations (ranks 9–7) ranged from 76.5 to 100%. The wording of all 19 clinical standards determined by the scientific committee was agreed upon (i.e., 75% of respondents strongly agreed or agreed).


The DXA scan report is an independent document that contains sufficient information to enable optimal osteoporosis management advised by an experienced …