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Effect of Cognitive Rehabilitation on Improving Cognitive Function and Activities of Daily Living among Elderly Patients With Stroke at Assiut University Hospital

مؤلف البحث
Saieda Abd-Elhameed Abd-Elaziz, Dr, Eman M. Khedr, Dr.Hanaa Abd Elhakiem Ahmed, Dr.Hoda Diab Fahmy Ibrahim
مجلة البحث
Journal of Education and Practice
المشارك في البحث
تصنيف البحث
عدد البحث
Vol. (6), No. (24)
موقع البحث
سنة البحث
صفحات البحث
ملخص البحث

Cognitive impairment is a frequent consequence of stroke. The study aimed to measure the effect of cognitive rehabilitation of elderly patients with stroke on their cognitive function and activities of daily living. Quasi experimental research design were used in this study. This study was conducted at neuropsychiatric, physical medicine and rehabilitation departments at Assiut University hospital, their number were 70 elderly stroke patients aged 60 years and above, (study group, 35, control group, 35) . Six tools were utilized ,tool 1: Socio- demographic characteristics and questions about stroke tool II: Mini-Mental State Examination tool III: Digit Span tool IV: Logical memory tool V: Geriatric Depression Scale. Tool VI: Barthel Index scale. The rehabilitation program: consist of five practical session about spatial memory, attention and concentration, visual attention, fish face task and N400 task and three theoretical session about health education for diabetes mellitus, hypertension and prevention of recurrent stroke. The main result of the present study revealed that a significant statistical difference was existed between both studied groups in relation to Min Mental State Examination (P-value = 0.000*). Conclusion: Application of training program about cognitive impairment of stroke elderly patients have significant therapeutic effect on cognitive function, and on activities of daily living.
Recommendation: Routine use of screening assessment of cognitive impairment in every stroke patient for early detection, and Health education to the elderly patients and caregivers about the possible ways of prevention of recurrent stroke and ways for controlling of diabetes and hypertension