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Effect of Employees Advocacy and Loyalty on Job Embeddedness among Nursing Staff

مؤلف البحث
Seham Mohamed Abd Elhamed1 & Ebtisam Abd Elazeem Saber2
تاريخ البحث
مستند البحث
المشارك في البحث
Seham Mohamed Abd Elhamed1 & Ebtisam Abd Elazeem Saber2
عدد البحث
موقع البحث DOI: 10.21608/ASNJ.2023.174197.1452
سنة البحث
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ملخص البحث

Background: Employees who perceive their organizations as valuing their contributions will reciprocate with favorable attitudes (as loyalty, advocacy, retention, job embeddedness, satisfaction). Aims: Assess the level of employee's advocacy, loyalty and job embeddedness among nursing staff and assess the effect of employee advocacy and loyalty on job embeddedness among nursing staff. Study design: A descriptive correlational approach was used. Setting: This study was done at Assiut University Main Hospital. Subject and Methods: All 300 nurses working in the surgical and medical departments of the Assiut University Main Hospital were the study's subjects. The data was collected through self - administered questionnaire which includes individual characteristics data, employee advocacy and loyalty scale, and job embeddedness questionnaire. Results: There are strong positive correlations among all study variables with highly statistically significance difference. Conclusion: Advocacy and loyalty have significant effect on job embeddedness. Recommendation: Managers should set up mentoring initiatives to improve relationships with the organization and should be advocate, supportive, and guides the employees in all situations.
Keywords: Employee advocacy, Job embeddedness, Loyalty & nursing staff.