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Education for health providers in the prevention of the transmission of Health C virus: A case study in Rural Egypt

Research Authors
Samiha EI Katsha, Susan Watts, AwatifYounis, Shokreia Labib,
Amal EI Bedawi, Waged a Anwar and Ismail Sallam
Research Department
Research Journal
The International health Promotion and Education
Research Member
Research Rank
Research Vol
Vol. 9, No. 1
Research Year
PP. 16-21
Research Abstract

This case study was designed to identify strategies for helth
education to prevent the transmission of hepatitis C virus in Egypt at
the community level. Epidemiology research in the study area, and
elsewhere in Egypt, had indicated that unsafe injection and'
instrument use by health staff appeared likely to transmit HCV. This
paper describes a pilot program to target health providers at
government primary care facilities. The objectives of the program
were I) to increase health providers, knowledge of hepatitis,
especially HeV; 2) to utilize this knowledge to ensure safe practices
in the primary health care setting and 3) to enable providers to
respond to the needs of patents and community members. Formative
research identified provider's knowledge of HeV, and observede
practices in the health centers. Doctors Nurses, technicians and
custodian, as well as regional Ministry of Health and population
staff participated in information and training workshops, in which
messages and posters developed. In response to provider's requests,
and with their collaboration, simble booklets on HeV and on
sterilization for use by doctors and nurses in primary health care
settings were developed and tested. Activities were monitored and
evaluated, and recommendations were made for a viable, sustainable
program of health aducation for health providers that could be
further tested on the district level. The experience of the researchers
at the community level, and in primary health care units, also
provides front line workers in other countries with insights that may
contribute to health promotion in their own local settings.