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Assessment of home environmental risk factors regarding accidents among preschool children

Research Authors
FateD E. Helmy·, Sbokria A. Labeeb*·, Ikbal F. EI-shafie
Research Department
Research Journal
Assiul University, Bull. Environ. Res
Research Member
Research Rank
Research Vol
Vol. 5, No. 1
Research Year
PP. 21-31
Research Abstract

Living conditions in rural areas has been identified 8S potent risk factors for home accidents
in preschool children. The aim of this study was to assess the home environmental risk factors and
their relation to accidents among preschool children in Tanta and Assiut govern orates. A sample of
620 mothers (312& 308 mothers from Taota & Assiut respectively) who brought their children
under six years of age for physical check up to Health Center Were chosen. Each mother were
intelViewed individually in the Health Center, and then visited at home. Two tools were used for
collection of data, namely {I} an interview questionnaire sheet was .d esigned to collect the
sociodemographic data and mother's awareness about home accidents. {2} an observation check
list was used to observe home for potential environmental hazards for accidents. The results
showed that 893 preschool chi ldren were affected by home accidents (432& 461 from Tanta &
Assiut Respectively). Wound injury was the highest percentage and represented by (44.23%),
followed by fall (41.88%), fo llowed by animal bites (26.99%), and bum (21.16%) in Tanta and
Assiut homes respectively. Nearly all homes had at least two potential environmental hazards
leading causes of home accidents. The total score of inadequate knowledge among mothers in both
homes were79.03% and safety considerations at home was not avai lable by 87.10%. lndividuaJ
predisposing factors were seemed to be significantly influenced by mothers' age and education