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Impact of Designed Life Style Modification Protocol On Reflux
Symptoms Control among Patients With Gastro-esophageal Reflux
Disease In Assiut University Hospital

Research Authors
Samia.M. Teleb , Mohamed K. E.Youssef , Saad Z. Mahmoud
Research Department
Research Journal
Assiut Med
Research Member
Research Rank
Research Vol
Vol. 29, No. 3
Research Year
Research Abstract

Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a very common problem and significantly
affects the quality of patients' life. Dietary and life style choices contribute to the development of
GERD. The aims of the present study was to assess the life style of GERD patients, formulate life
style modification regimen, implement the recommended life style and diet regimen, as well as to
assess the impact of life style modification on the control of GERD symptoms. Subjects and
Methods, sixty adult male and female patients were selected randomly from those attending the
outpatient clinic of the department of Tropical Medicine and Gastroenterology. They were divided
into two groups (study and control groups, 30 patients for each). Their age ranged from 20 - 50
years. Those who have diabetes, liver cirrhosis, achalazia and peptic ulcer (duodenal and gastric
were excluded from the study. Two tools were utilized for data collection, tool I: covered the sociodemographic
data and life style assessment data sheet. Tool 2 covered medical data sheet to assess
typical and atypical symptoms of GERD. The designed life style modification protocol was
developed by the researcher and included information relevant to diet, smoking, rest, exercise and
activity and lying down after meal. Lecture/ discussion, posters, counseling and written protocol
were utilized. The patients of the study group were given treatment for GERD (pump inhibitor and
domeperidon) in addition to dietary regimen designed specifically for patients with GERD and life
style modification for 4 weeks. Those in the control group were given treatment only for 4 weeks.
Results, this study revealed that, 53.3% still improved (reflux symptoms control and reduction)
during follow up period after 2 weeks after stop of treatment but still on life style modification
protocol and 46.7% reflux symptoms relapsed, while in control group . 100% relapsed after stop of
treatment. The study concluded that, the effectiveness of the designed life style modification
protocol in the control of reflux symptoms. Enrichment of subjects about the disease reduced the
occurrence of the problems. The researcher recommended that, the importance of raising GERD
patient's awareness about the importance of life style modification plus medical treatment provide
GERD patients with simple Arabic booklet about life style modification regimen and another study
carried on large sample and follow up period more than this period. Key words: Life Style
Modification, Gastro-esophageal Reflux, Symptoms Control.