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Evaluate the effect of the instructional scheme upon caregiver and/or
Supervisors of nursery school knowledge and skills related to health promotion

Research Authors
Hekmat Ebrahim Abd EIKreem ,Neama Mohamed El Magrabi ,Soad bymy , Etmat Hessian
Research Department
Research Journal
The New Egyptian
Research Rank
Research Vol
Vol. 38, No. 1
Research Year
PP. 118-127
Research Abstract

Education is critical to effective, safe life of preschool age and supervisors
with health promotion. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effect of the
instructional scheme upon caregiver and/or Supervisors of nursery school knowledge
and skills related to health promotion. Fifty caregiver and/or Supervisors in nursery
school who receive instruction about health promotion were included in the study.
total of 50 caregivers were randomly selected from social region in Assuit .two tools
were designed to collect knowledge, and observational check list sheet to measure
caregivers practice. The first tool was A structional interview questionnaire to assess
the caregiver and/or Supervisors of nursery school knowledge and second tool is
observational checklist to performance of health promotion to determine the baseline
data and educational needs .. lt was found that there was a great improvement of the
studied sample in relation to knowledge and practice related to health promotion
.Continuous education and motivation are needed for the maintenance of safe life to
the preschool children in nursery school with supervisors about health promotion in
the majority of nursery school of Assuit governorate e. The majority of caregiver
and/or Supervisors (92%) had poor level of knowledge, Also (86%) had poor level of
practice toward health promotion use play, hygiene, rest, exercise feeding.
Immunization, prevent of communicable diseases and accident prevention. There are
Statistical significant relationship has been found between caregivers knowledge and
practice before and after application of training program. Written policy were
recommended for each nursery school is suspected. This besides Adequate training
program should be designed to increase the caregivers'knowledge