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The Importance of Verbal and Written Instructions for Patients Undergoing Pressure-Flow Urodynamic Studies

Research Authors
Rasha Ali Ahmed Abdelmowla, Ahmed Abdelhamaid Shahat, Hala Mohammed Ghanem,
Medhat Ahmed Abdalla
Research Department
Research Journal
ARC Journal of Nursing and Healthcare
Research Member
Research Publisher
Research Rank
Research Vol
Vol. 5, No. 3
Research Website
Research Year
PP 8-16
Research Abstract

Background: Urodynamic procedure identifies how well bladder, sphincters, and urethra are storing and
releasing urine.
Aim: Evaluate the importance of verbal and written instructions in outcomes of patients undergoing pressureflow urodynamic studies.
Research Design: Randomized controlled trial.
Patients and Methods: A total of 130 adult patients with no previous experience with urodynamics were
attended to urodynamic outpatient clinic at Assiut Urology and Nephrology University Hospital to perform
pressure-flow urodynamic studies from April 2016 to April 2018. Patients were divided randomly into 2 groups;
odd numbers = study group (65 patients received routine instructions, detailed explanation about the procedure
and received pressure-flow urodynamic brochure) and even numbers = control group (65 patients received
routine instructions only).
Tools: Assessment sheet for patients undergoing pressure-flow urodynamic studies, Spielberger six-item short
form state trait anxiety inventory, urodynamic – patient satisfaction questionnaire and pressure-flow
urodynamic brochure.
Results: Study group was significantly better regarding all outcome parameters; cooperation, satisfaction, less
procedure time and repetition, and less state trait anxiety inventory score.
Conclusion: Patients education and good communication skills significantly affect outcomes of patients
undergoing pressure-flow urodynamic studies.