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# Title Department Research Year
3331 Molecular identification of parasitic nematode and its pathogenicity against three species of land gastropods. Department of Gerontological
3332 Association between Perceived Stress and Coping Strategies among Nurses in Intensive Care Units Department of Psychiatric
3333 Psychological distress and Coping Strategies among Women with Breast Cancer on Chemotherapy at Assiut university Hospital Department of Psychiatric
3334 Effect of Nursing Care Guidelines for Post Anesthetic (Phase One) on Patient Outcome at Assiut University Hospital Department of critical care
3335 Effect of Nursing Intervention on Severity of Constipation among Elderly People at Sohag Geriatric Club, Egypt Department of Gerontological
3336 Effectiveness of Art Therapy on Social and Communication Skills of Patients at Assiut University Hospital Department of Psychiatric
3337 Effect of Therapeutic Play on Reducing Preoperative Anxiety among Children undergoing Cardiac Surgery Department of Psychiatric
3338 Effect of an Educational Program about Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome on Critical Care Nurses' Performance Department of critical care
3339 Effectiveness of Music Therapy on the Depression levels among Elderly at Assiut Geriatric Clubs Department of Gerontological
3340 Effect of Intradialytic Hemodialysis Exercises on Fatigue and Leg cramps Department of medical-surgical