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Road Map for the Development of Drug Industry in Egypt.

مؤلف البحث
Hussein I El-Subbagh, Mohamed A Hamzawy, Ibrahim M El-Sherbiny, Ehab S El-Desoky, Osama A Badary, Reem K Arafa, Tareq A Mohamed, Omar M Abdelsalam, Azza A Mahmoud, Mohamed N Abulenien, Mohamed M Elmazar, Mohamed A Abdelwahab, Mostafa K Alawady, Nahla S Mo
تاريخ البحث
مجلة البحث
Arab Journal of STI Policies
Academy of Scientific Research and Technology In cooperation with the Arab Association for Science, Technology and Innovation Observatories-Federation of Arab Scientific Research
عدد البحث
موقع البحث
DOI: 10.21608/ARABSTI.2023.291069
سنة البحث
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ملخص البحث

Drug is a strategic commodity related to the country's national security due to its direct impact on the health of the citizens and its important role in shaping up the economy that may affect the country's international decisions. Therefore, the development of the pharmaceutical sector in Egypt in order to provide a high-quality medication to citizens and to increase the competitiveness of the Egyptian pharmaceutical products to reach an advanced world ranking is an essential goal. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to work at all levels and to use all available resources and capabilities to meet two main challenges. First, is to improve the quality of drug manufacturing and dosage forms, which requires the convergence of all scientific expertise and competencies. Second, is to obtain an internationally recognized and accredited bioequivalence and bioavailability studies. Therefore, this road map aims are: to develop a complete vision on how to start improving the quality of Egyptian medicine as a pivotal issue in pharmaceutical industry and to raise the quality of Egyptian medicine through the establishment of an internationally accredited national center for pharmaceutical consultancy and another for bioequivalence and bioavailability studies similar to what is known internationally as "Contract Research Centers". Pillars of the road map A Study targeting the establishment of a national consultative center for the development of pharmaceutical industries: Pharmaceutical industry in Egypt suffers from the differences in the therapeutic efficiency of the locally manufactured medicine compared to that produced in international factories, which reduces the …