The department presents medicinal chemistry, drug discovery, and design. Medicinal Chemists do not only understand the field of organic chemistry but also a range of other disciplines to anticipate problems and interpret developments to help move the project forward. At AUN, we also offer Master's and doctoral degrees in medicinal chemistry for students who wish to focus on a research career or gain the ultimate academic qualifications.
In the Department of Medicinal Chemistry our mission is to;
- Teach students the principles of the relation between biological activity and molecular structures of medicines.
- Supply knowledge and suitable practical skills in synthesis and analysis of medicines.
- Contribute in research subjects related to drug design and development.
- Contribute in solving certain problems of Research &Development in production and research centers by providing our experts and consultants.
- Support the needs of other Faculties of Pharmacy local, regional and national and related research centers by graduates, postgraduates and staff members.
And in order to achieve this mission, we concentrate our attention on;
- Preparing graduates with high capabilities in identifying drug groups and their effectiveness.
- Supplying the pharmaceutical industry with expertise and specialists in the field of drug design and preparation.
- Conducting academic and applied research and motivating researchers and students to publish in scientific journals with a high impact factor.
- Developing our staff members in both educational and research fields by encouraging them to participate in local, regional and international conferences and establishing joint scientific cooperation with distinguished universities.
- Participating with drug production center in research and development field by giving advice or academic practice.