1962 |
621.4837 |
Study of the concentration of condensation nuclei in assiut & the veriation of concentration with altitude. |
1- Mohammed Mahmoud Salim Ghoneim |
1963 |
621.4837 |
Study of the effect of bubbling & exposure to light on the concentration of condensation nuclei . |
2- Hefny Abd El-Khate Mohamed Hefny |
1964 |
621.4837 |
Determination of radon concentra tion in the atmosphere of assiut & measurement of thorium in the nile water at assiut. |
3- Abdalla I.Abdel –Mageed |
1964 |
621.3616 |
X-Ray crystallographic investigation of triterpenoid compounds with special reference to the configuration of - amyrin series |
4- Ibrahim fahmy Michaiel |
1964 |
621.38152 |
The Electrical Properties of thin evaporated films of antimony |
5- Ahmed Abd El-Ghani Awad |
1964 |
539.753 |
Studies on the Radioactive Phoshates of mahamid & aweina, nile valley |
6- Ahmed Refaat Mohamed Higazy |
1964 |
620.189 |
Subject on Cylindrical acoustical resonators 2 measurement of thermoelastic relaxation strength of aluminium |
7- Saad Anis Riz Kallah |
1965 |
621.3616 |
X-Ray Crystal Structure determination of a-amyrin benzoate |
8- Nabil Ali Mohamed |
1966 |
621.044 |
Desing &Applications of Adouble Corona spark counter. |
9- Ahmed Haseim Ahmed |
1966 |
621.4837 |
Study of Goagulation Phenomena in samples of air to which traces of h2o vapour & N2o Gas are added |
10- Ahmed Shawky Mohamed El-Gammal |
1966 |
621.3616 |
X-Ray Crystallographic study of B-amyrin series (methyl oleanolate iodo-acetate) using three dimensional analyses |
11- Atef Mohamed Abdalla |
1966 |
621.38152 |
The Electrical Properties of Single Crystals & thin evaporated films of germanium, & the physical condition |
12- Mahmood Ahmed Abul- Sroor |
1966 |
620.11216 |
Properties of the Binary Liquid mixtures: ygen & nitrogen + oxygen & nitrogen + argon at low temperatures |
13- Mahmoud Mohammed Meedid |
1967 |
620.186 |
Attenuation of Ultarsonic uaves in polycryst -alline aluminium. |
14- Fathy Bakheet Shenoda |
1969 |
620.11297 |
An Investigation of the Semi-Conducting & metallicc behaviour of crystals of lead sulphide and lead selenlde |
15- Mohamed Abdel-Aziz Gaffar |
1969 |
621.044 |
A new Design of multipe mesh spark counter & its application for the study of visible spectrum of corona discharge inair & nitrogen |
16- Abd-Allah Ibrahim Mohamed |
1969 |
539.7213 |
Studies on Low Energy neutron reactions ( problems on the theory of neutron resonance a bsorption & on the theory of thermalization |
17- Mustafa M.ohamed Mustafa |
1969 |
621.044 |
Study of Corona charaterislics in nitrogen & mixture of oxygen ,& application in investigation of coronc physics. |
18- Alia Mohamed Hammad El-Hos |
1969 |
620.11299 |
The Electrical & Thermal properties of micro-crystalline, liquid & thin layers of vitreous selenium |
19- Ahmed Mahmoud El-Arabi |
1969 |
620.186 |
Paramagnetic Absorpation in monocrystals in parallel magnetic fields & its application to the para magnetic monocrystal Mn (NH4 )2. |
20- Ahmed Abdou Saleh |
1969 |
620.11299 |
Electrical properties of microcrystalline specimens of selenium & their temperature -field - & time dependence |
21- Afaf Ali Mohamed Gadalla |
1969 |
621.38152 |
Heat Treatment induced defects in prepared Cu20. its semiconducting properties & grain growth in the light of the oxidation kinetics of copper. |
22- Mohamed Farid Abd El-Fatah |
1969 |
620.195 |
Experimetal Study of dielectric parameters of some materials & their variation with frequency & density. |
23- Mohamed Mohamed Ibrahim |
1969 |
621.38152 |
Electric & photo-electric properties of thin films of pbs evaporated in vacuum & the effect of oxygen on these properties |
24- Mohamed Mahmood Hafiz |
1970 |
621.044 |
Study of the Charactoristics of corona affected by air flow with different velocities |
25- Samy El-Sharcawy Abd Allah |
1970 |
620.11297 |
The Paramagnetic absorption of monocrystals in perpendicular fields , & its application to the paramagnetic monocrystal Mn (S04)2 (NH4)2 6H20 |
26- Fathy Zakaria Aly |
1970 |
629.1 |
Aerosol Distribution in the Atmosphere of assiut |
27- Abdel-Azeem Mohammed |
1970 |
621.044 |
Investigations on cylindrical cathode spark counter |
28- Abdel – Naim Sayed Ali Hok |
1971 |
621.4837 |
Studies on Anew alpha propertional counter for radioactive gas determination. |
29- Abd- El-Hady El-Kamel |
1971 |
621.044 |
Corona characteristics in gases & mixture of gases in shark counter |
30- Zahira Ahmed Abd- El-All |
1971 |
539.72167 |
Quantum mechanical calculations of the difpole-quadrupole, & quadrupole of van der waals forces between neutral atoms |
31- Abu El-Hasan Shafek Saied A.Seoud |
1971 |
621.3273 |
Studies on the fluorescence characteristics of anthracene in xylene & petroleumether solutions. |
32- Gamal Mostafa Shureet |
1971 |
621.044 |
The Behaviour of moving plasmas in an electrically- vdriven shock tube |
33- Tawhida Sayed Basha |
1971 |
621.044 |
Study of the characteristics of corona in double mesh spark counter in (different gases at different pressures & mixture of Ar & N2) |
34- Mamdough Abd – El-Nasser |
1971 |
539.725 |
Effect of external fields on van dEr waals interaction energy |
35- Sayed Ahmed El-Sayed Khallaf |
1971 |
621.4837 |
Studies on gamma activity in collected samples of suspended aerosols in the atmosphere of assiut. |
36- Ali Mahmoud Hafez |
1971 |
629.1 |
Studies on gamma activity in collected samples of suspended aerosols in the atmosphere of assiut. |
37- Samier Ahmed Mustafa |
1972 |
620.11297 |
Studies on some optical and electrical properties of chlorophyll. |
38- Ahmed Abdallah Hussein |
1973 |
621.044 |
Study of A.C. Corona and applications (comparison between Ac & Dc corona & application). |
39- Hussein Abde Hameid Sayed |
1973 |
621.044 |
Effect of gas mixtures on spark counter as radiation detectr. |
40- Tarek El-Namer |
1973 |
621.044 |
Design of a spark counter & efficiecy of radiation detection |
41- Amile Arnnia Rixk Alla |
1973 |
621.38152 |
Study of the Out-put Ninlinear parameter of a three layer diode |
42- Nasser Mohamed Shaker |
1973 |
629.1 |
Effect of Some Physical Factors on condensation nuclet |
43- Abdel –Rahman Abdel-Aziz Ahmed |
1973 |
621.4837 |
Studies on Some Characteristics of multiwire - mesh pentad proportional Counter. |
44- Abdel Kreem Ali Nijim |
1973 |
621.044 |
Study of the A.C. Corona & its applications (wire-cylinder system) |
45- Mahmoud Hassan Sayed |
1974 |
621.381542 |
Photoconductivity of cadmium suphide & cadmium telluride single crystals. |
46- Mehammed Safwat Ibrahim |
1974 |
621.4837 |
Polycrystalline anthracene as adetector for gamma & bela rady |
47- Hassan Abdel Hakiem El-Gendy |
1974 |
539.756 |
On the coupling between dipole & octupole vibration in magic nuclei |
48- Hassan Abdel – Moneim Sadder |
1974 |
621.38154 |
Photoconductivity of irradiated N-type cadmium sulphide single crystals containing copper impurities. |
49- Mohamed Abdel Hameed Osmen |
1974 |
621.38152 |
Study of F. Centers in natural sodium chloride single crystals |
50- Ibraheem Abdel Aziz M.Gohar |
1974 |
621.4837 |
Characteristics of an alpha proportional scintillation counter |
51- Abdel Dayem Mohamed Nasair |
1975 |
621.044 |
Energy distribution in nonstationary plasma corona discharge |
52- Abdel Haliem Ahmed Turky |
1975 |
621.4837 |
Radiation shielding properties of some loclly arailable materials. |
53- Mahmoud Ahmed Hefni |
1975 |
621.381542 |
On the Photoelectrica properties of irradiated cds single crystals |
54- Mourad Badrakhan Youness |
1976 |
621.38152 |
Electrical properties of chalcogenide glass semiconductor |
55- Mabrouk Kamel Ramadan El-Mansy |
1976 |
621.4837 |
Isomeric cross section ratios in ( .n ) and ( p.n ) reactions |
56- Mohamed Abd El-Halim Abd El-ghany |
1976 |
620.11292 |
Sintering & allied properties of tio -- Ba Co3 mixure powderd compacts |
57- El-Diers Hhalaf Shokr |
1976 |
539733 |
Structure of the gioant dipole resonancbe in si 28 Nucleus |
58- Hassan Omer Mohamed Nafea |
1976 |
621.38152 |
Free carrir transport near the sil sio2 interface of mnos structure |
59- Abdel Rahim Hassan Mohram |
1976 |
620.11295 |
The Effect of quenching onthe formation of F-centers in natural sodium chloride single single crystals. |
60- Safey Eldin Mohamed Waheed Hamid |
1977 |
629.1 |
Studies on dust fall in qena |
61- Sayed Mohamed El-Shaxly |
1977 |
620.1122 |
Dielectric properties of Synthetic Fibers ( nylon -6 ) |
62- Melad Kastens Gerges |
1977 |
621.4837 |
Quenching of Electronic energy transfer in organic liquid scintillators |
63- Abdel Wahab Hassan A.Hassan |
1978 |
620.11296 |
Development of anupparatus for measuring thermal properties of solids & studies on thermal & electrical properties of commer cial lead |
64- Mastafa Saad Mastafa |
1978 |
629.1 |
The Quenching Effect of choroform on electronic energy transfer in some organic liquids. |
65- Abdel Jalil Abuel-Hassan Tawfik |
1978 |
539.775 |
Effect of Dilution on Quenching & study of minima phenomena in some organic scintillator solutions. |
66- Ali Abdel Hameed Osman |
1978 |
539.75 |
Angular Structure of the giant dipole resonance in photonulear reactions |
67- M.El-Azeab Hassan Farid |
1978 |
620.182 |
Investigation of the charge complex in matal-phosphosilicate - silicon dioxidelsilicon (Mis) system |
68- Isaac Ghali Jirgs |
1978 |
620 |
69- Abdel – Fattah Gaber Mahmoud |
1978 |
620.16 |
Physical properties of some metallicalloys |
70-Mohmoud M. El-Saghir M. Dongal |
1978 |
621.38152 |
Optical a bsorption for unirradiated semiconductor thin films in the visibleregion of spectrum |
71- Fatma Abdel – Galil Khalifa |
1978 |
621.11296 |
Optical properties of solids |
72- Rabih Mohamed Abdel Latif |
1979 |
621.11296 |
Measurements of thermophysical propertiesof dielectric materials atv high temperatures |
73- Mastafa Mohammed Wahhad M. |
1979 |
621.044 |
Properties of corona discharg at different gas pressures |
74- Reda Ahmed El-Koramy |
1979 |
62011272 |
Study of the crystal structure a rare earth garnet x-Ray & neutron diffraction techiques ( Y + Yb + Fe + ) |
75- Aly Hassanein Aly |
1980 |
621.4837 |
the Scintillation mechanism from toluene + ppo & benzene + dioxane + anthracene solutions in presence of differennt quenchers tostudy the minima phenomena |
76- Ahmed Bakr El-Ossily |
1980 |
621.4837 |
Effet of quenching on xylene-anthracene & benzene-dekaline anthracene solutions for studying the minima phenomena. |
77- Hossam Eldin Mohammed W. Hamid |
1980 |
537.56 |
Aborration is electron microscope |
78- Alameer Sayed Ahmed Alameer |
1980 |
621.044 |
Corona in external fields |
79- Ahmed Mostafa Abdel Kareem |
1980 |
539.7217 |
Partical &Gamma widths in giant dipole resonances astudy in Si 28 |
80- Saad Kenawy Abd- El-Rahem |
1980 |
620.1895 |
Photoproperties of Sintered bismuth & bismuth doped silicon powder compacts. |
81- Fayey Mohmoud El-Hossary |
1980 |
620.144 |
Properties of Corona Discharge |
82- Mohammed Sadik Mohammed |
1980 |
620.11295 |
Study of the Crystal Structure of a spinel ferrile by x-ray & neutron diffraction techniques (Zny Co Tio ) |
83- Mohammed Ahmed Reffat Ebeid |
1981 |
620.186 |
Thermal & Electrical Properties of Some al-cu-Alloys |
84- Moatafa Abdel-Naiem Abdel Raheem |
1981 |
620.193 |
On The Use of Simple Technquces ofr preparing a silicon solar |
85- Amer Abd-Alla El-Korashy Amer |
1981 |
620.112 |
Studies on Prompt Gamma Rays from neutron capture & its uses in activation analysis . |
86- Abd El-Aziz Abd-Allah M. Habib |
1981 |
620.11297 |
Effects pf Sintering on the Electrical Properties of selenium powder compacts |
87- Nemat Zaki Mohamed Negm |
1981 |
621.4837 |
Microscopc study of the giant dipole resonance in O |
88- El-Badry Shehata Zahran |
1981 |
620.11299 |
Growth & Proprties of antiferroelectic crystals. |
89- Galal Abd El-Sadek |
1981 |
621.3815 |
Electrical Proprties of INx Se1-x. |
90- Abdel-Manem Sayed Ahemed |
1981 |
620.11299 |
Growth and Proprties of Ferroelectric Crystals |
91- Abd El-Aziz Abu El-Fadl Abd El-Aziz |
1982 |
620.144 |
Syudy of Optical Absorption of Cobalt Doped Phosphate Glass |
92- Mahmoud Saeed Rasheede |
1983 |
523.7201 |
Thermal Energy Transfer theortical study solar energy. |
93- Abu Mohamed Al-Hasan Osman |
1984 |
620.11299 |
Thermal & Electrical proprties of Some Aluminium-Silicon Alloys |
94- Atta Yousef Abdel Lttif M. |
1985 |
620.11295 |
Optical Proprties of Electron magnetic Lenses |
95- Galal Saad Hassan |
1985 |
629.1 |
Studies on Electric Patential gradient & its relation ship with surface aerosols & some meteorobgical element in the atmosphere of qena '' upper egyt '' |
96- Saad Hamedlla Gameh Adam |
1988 |
621.044 |
Electric Discharge Inair & Corona Fields |
97- Azza Abd El-Rahman Hashim |
1988 |
620.112972 |
Electrical Properties of As30 Ge10 Sex S60-x semiconductor alloys. |
98- Nahed Abu El-Hassan T. El-Kabany |
1988 |
621.3616 |
Hyperfine Interaction Investigations in some iron based alloys using mossbauer spectroscpy . |
99- Salah Ahmed Aly Makhouf |
1990 |
621.3616 |
Study of the Mechanism of Energy Transfer in some different scintillstor sysems in presence & absence of second solute . |
100- Mohamaed Husam M. Abdel-Afiz |
1991 |
621.044 |
Some Proprties of Arotating Plasma |
101- Ahmed Sedkey M. Abdel-Maksoud |
1991 |
621.044 |
Study of the Mechanism of Energy Transfer in some different scintillstor sysems in presence & absence of second solute |
102- Ashrif El-Sayed Ahmed Yehia |
1992 |
620.186 |
Crowlh and Thermal Proprties of Pure & doped single crystals of lithium ammonium sulphate . |
103- Abd Azeam M.Mebed |
1992 |
621.4837 |
Effect of a-naphthol & popop on fluorescence yield in the presence of some quenchers under y-ray irradiation. |
104- Mohamed Mansour Mohamed |
1992 |
620.17 |
Growth of Ammonium sulphate crystals & study of their high thmperature phase transition. |
105- El-Magraby Mohamd El-Moghaby |
1992 |
620.11295 |
Infrared Spectroscopic Studies of potassium ferrocyainde trihydrate sigle crystal |
106- Mostafa I. Abd El-Rahman |
1992 |
620.1053 |
Application of the Mean Spherical Model in Fluid Having permanent electric dipole moments . |
107- Hesham Mohamed Hessin El-Attar |
1992 |
621.38152 |
Electrical Optical And Structural Proprties of Te50 As50-xCux Amorphous Alloys |
108- Abd El-Himeed A. Dabu-Sehly |
1992 |
620.11295 |
Study of Electrical &Optical Proprties of GaAs Crystals |
109- Mohamed Ali El-Osealy |
1993 |
620.11299 |
Growth and physical proprties of potassium ferrocyanide crystals . |
110- Mahamed Al-Mokhtar M. |
1993 |
620.11295 |
Growth of adp crystals & invesligations about its high temperature phase transition . |
111- Susan Abd El-Wahab Amin |
1993 |
621.38152 |
Structural Study on Arsenic-Selenium Semiconductor System using the radial distribution function . |
112- Mohammed Abu El-Oyoun H Hussein |
1994 |
539.764 |
Investigation of Fusion Potentials & cross - secltions |
113- Ahmed Aly Ebrahim Said |
1995 |
621.044 |
Studing of Some Proprties of A Rotating Plasma. |
114- Eiz-Aldeen Fathy Taha kotp Eiz-Alde |
1995 |
620.186 |
Investigation of the Decomposition & precipitation in supersaturated Al-Mg alloys |
115- Atif Mossad Ali |
1998 |
539.756 |
Studies in the Nuclear Optical Model Potential |
116- Sherif Rashad Mokhtar |
1998 |
620.11296 |
Thermal & Laser initiation of solid explosives . |
117- Salah Aldeen Gala Abd Al-Rmann |
1999 |
621.3815 |
Characterization and properties of chalcogenide Cu In Se thin films . |
118- Ahmed Salem Mohamed |
1999 |
620.118 |
119- Mohamad Mahmoud Ahmad |
1999 |
620.186 |
120- Amr Abd-Alla Ebrahim |
2000 |
539.764 |
121- Mostafa Kamel Sedeek |
2000 |
539.7234 |
Heavy ions elastic scattering . |
122- Zakarya Mohamed M. Mahmoud |
2000 |
620.189 |
Investigation of the structural transformations in some AI -Li Binary alloys. |
123- Saud Ayob Saleh Bin Anooz |
2000 |
539.74 |
Nuclear optical model & its applications. |
124- Mahmoud Abu El-Wafa Iammum H. |
2001 |
620.193 |
Structural study of pure & Tb-doped silica gel using xrd . |
125- Nasser Ashry Diab |
2001 |
620.195 |
Study of electrical & thermophysical properties of basalt & granite rock samples |
126- Essam Fadl Abu Zaid |
2002 |
620.11299 |
Structural, Electrical and Spectroscopic Studies on Potassium Tetrachlorozincate (K2ZnCl4) Single Crystals. |
127- Hassan Ahmed Hassan Khater |
2002 |
620.16 |
Studies On Some Of The Physical Properties Of Pure And Metal Ions Doped Ammonium Tetrachlorozincate [(NH4)2ZNCI4] Single Crystals |
128- Mansour Abd El-Sttar Sayed |
2003 |
620.11297 |
Photo- and Thermally Induced Effects on The Optical and Electrical Properties of Ge-Sb-Se Thin films |
129-Kamal Abdel-Nabi Abdel-Malek Aly |
2003 |
620.11297 |
The Effect of The Substrate and Annealing Temperature on the Optical, Electrical and Structural Properties of Ge-Te Films |
130- Farid Mohamed Abdel-Rahim |
2003 |
620.144 |
Study of Some Pysical Properties of Ga-sb-S Chalcogenide Glassy Thin Films |
131- Alea Eldein I. H.Metwaly Dahshan |
2003 |
615.842 |
Radiotherapy Film and Ionization Chamber Dosimetric Measurements |
132- Momen Mohamed Omran |
2004 |
620.11295 |
Influence of Li Content on the Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of ZnO Films Prepared by Chemicakl Bath Deposition Method + CD |
133- Mohamed Rashad Sheata Ahmed |
2004 |
620.11295 |
Growth and Physical Properties of Potassium Zinc Chloride Modulated-Ferroelectric Crystals |
134- Mostafa Masaoud Mostafa |
2004 |
620.144 |
Study of Mechanical and Electrical Properties for Lithium-Borate Glass |
135- Shams Elden Abdel-Rasoul Alzobair |
2005 |
620.135 |
Assessment of the Natural Radioactivity Levels and Radiological Effects of some Local Cement |
136- Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Mostafa |
2005 |
621.3815 |
Study of Some Physical Properties of Ge-Se-Bi Chalcogenide Glassy thin films + CD |
137- Ahmed Tamer Al-Motasem Galal M. |
2005 |
537.56 |
Aberrations in Magnetic Lens |
138- Hesham Fares Ahmed Hassan |
2006 |
621.044 |
Corona Current Distribution in Wire-plane Gaps As Influenced by Nearby Metallic Grids +CD |
139- Ayman Abdel-Fadeel Abdel-Aziz kotb |
2006 |
620.144 |
Structural Correlation of Amorphous AsGeSe Specimens + CD |
140- Ahmed Mohamed Abdel - Baset |
2006 |
620.144 |
Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of Ge-Se-In Chalcogenide Glasses |
141- Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed Shamek |
2006 |
620.144 |
Structural Study on Se0.8-xTe0.2Sx System |
142- Naglaa Fathy Mohamed |
2007 |
620.186 |
Investigation of the Precipitates Developed in AL-1 at.% Mg-x at.% Si Alloys |
143- Ghada Abbady El-Sayed Abady |
2007 |
620.144 |
Study of some Physical Properties of Bi-Se Chalcogenide Glasses |
144- Amera Zain El-Abdeen M.El-Shahedy |
2007 |
535.356 |
Theoretical Studies on The Thermoluminescence Phenomenon |
145- Mohmoud Abdel Aziem Bakr |
2008 |
620.11272 |
Mechanical, Structural And Optical Characterizations Of Potassium - Ammonium Zinc Chloride Mixed Crystals And Potassium Zinc Chloride Crystals Doped With Lthium Ions |
146- Nagih Mohammed Shaalan |
2008 |
621.3815 |
Study of Some Physical Properties of Arsenic Selenide Thin Films +CD |
147- Abd Ulwab Bagash Kasam Ali Alwan |
2008 |
539.74 |
Nuclear Optical model Analysis of Deuteron Elastic and Inelastic Scattering +CD |
148- Mahmoud Galal Taher Yassin El-Aref |
2009 |
621.044 |
Characteristics of the corona discharge in different gases with and wtthout external magnetic fields. |
149- Mohmed Omer Nagy Abdel Sanad |
2009 |
621.4837 |
Studies of the natural radioactivity levels & radiological effects of some local fertilizers. |
150- Hani Hussein Abdu Hussein Negm |
2009 |
539.7 |
Studies on the parameters affecting fusion excitation functions . |
151- Arwa Saeed Mohamed Al-Hajjaji |
2010 |
615.82 |
Dose measurement & calculation of asmmetric x-ray fields from therapeutic linac . |
152- Mostafa Ahmed Hashem Soliman |
2010 |
620.182 |
Spinodal to nucleation-Growth phase transition & physical properties of theCo-Cu binary alloy systems . |
153- Alaa Mahmoud Abd El-Naiem |
2010 |
621.38152 |
Study of some physical properties of Se-Te-Ph chalcogenide glasses . |
154- Mohamed Ahmed Sabet Ahmed |
2010 |
620.188 |
Physical properties of nanostructured nio. |
155- Mohamed Abdelkareem Ali Ahmed Kassem |
2011 |
536.756 |
Photoemission of pions from deuterons using polarized beams & targets. |
156- Raswan Mahmoud Ibra |