1969 |
261.4837 |
Study on a new type of gas scintillation counter for alpha detection |
1- Abdalla Ibrahim Abdel-Mageed |
1970 |
621.4837 |
Studies on gaseous ionization & Applications in Proporticonal Counters for Beta & Alpha Detection |
2- Ahmed shawky mohamed E.L. Gammal |
1972 |
620.11297 |
Structure & electrical properties of As.Te.Ge Amorphous semiconductor |
3- Mohamed Mahmoud Hafiz |
1972 |
620.11296 |
Effect sintering & exposure to gamma -Rays on some Physical Properties of Tio2 Powder Compacts |
4- Mohamed Mohamed Ibrahim |
1972 |
621.044 |
Physical investigations on corona glow discharge in Air & Nitrogen |
5- Aisha El-Sayed Gabre |
1973 |
620.11295 |
Electronic & optica properties of some Selected Hetro cyclic Organic Semiconductors |
6- Afaf Ali Mohamed Jadalla |
1973 |
621.044 |
Studies on the development of the action of cylindrical spark counters |
7- Abdfl-Naim Sayed Ali Hek |
1973 |
629.4588 |
Study of some atmospheric electric elements in the atmospheren of assiut |
8- Abdel-Azeem Mohamed Abdel-Mageed |
1973 |
621.4837 |
Studies on Symmetric & Anti-Symmetric Muttiwire-Mesh Proportional Counter System |
9- Abdel El-Hady M. El-Kamel |
1975 |
539.76 |
Theory of Nuclear Reactions |
10- Sayed Ahmed El-Sayed Khallaf |
1976 |
620.144 |
Electron & Nuclear Radiation Effect on Vandium doped Phosphate Glass |
11- Ali Mahmoud Hafes |
1979 |
621.044 |
Interaction of A Moving Plasma With Magnetic Field |
12- Tawhida Sayed Basha |
1979 |
620.11215 |
Anisotropy of Threshold Energy for the producton of free migrating defect in platinum . |
13- Nasser Mohamed Shaker |
1979 |
620.18924 |
Neutron flux and spectrum measurements of the total & partial neutron cross-sections of Be' Ni & Cu in the energy range from 2,2 ev at both rom &liquid nitrogen temperatures. |
14- Gamal Mostafa Mohamed |
1982 |
539.758 |
The Optical Model Analysis of Scattering Processes . |
15- Mohamed El-Azab Hassan Farid |
1983 |
620.11296 |
Energy Transfer and Physical Proprties of Some Complex Compounds |
16- Mostafa Saad Mostafa |
1983 |
620.1123 |
Transfer & Mecanical Proprties of Someiron Chromium Alloys. |
17- Saad Anis Riz Kallah |
1983 |
621.38152 |
Electrical Proprties of As-Se-Cu Amorphous Semiconductors . |
18- Mahmoud M. E. M. Dongol |
1983 |
624.182 |
Investigation of copper & nickel afterb high energy implantation of helium atoms . |
19- Abdel Fattah Gaber Mahmoud |
1984 |
621.38152 |
Exciton Complexes in Semiconductors . |
20- Safey Eldaun Mohammed |
1984 |
621.31244 |
Silicon Mis Solar Cells. |
21- Abdel Rahim H. Moharram |
1985 |
621.38152 |
Growth and Some Physical Proprties of triglycine sulphate single crystals . |
22- Abd El-Aziz Abu El-Fadl |
1985 |
621.38152 |
Structure & Electrical Proprties of Bi -Ge - Se semiconductor alloys . |
23- Mostafa Abd El-Naiem Abd El-Rahiem |
1985 |
621.36 |
Improved Opjective Lenses & Projector System Forthe Electron Microscope . |
24- Amir Sayed Ahmad Al-Amir |
1987 |
621.4837 |
Neatron Matter . |
25- Saad Abd El-Aziz Ali Hager |
1987 |
621.044 |
Investigation of the Shifts,Widths And Profiles in Spectral Lines In Ar I . |
26- Zahira Ahmed Abd El-All |
1988 |
620.11272 |
Growth x-ray optical ,ultrasonic and electrical ,studies of some A Bx single crystals . |
27- Amer Abd-Alla El-Korashy Amer |
1988 |
621.044 |
Effect of Copper Vapour on the Nitrogen Plasma near arc electrodes & study of arc extinction . |
28- Ahmed Mostafa Abdel Kareem |
1988 |
621.48 |
Nuclean-Nuclean Interaction with nonlocal tensor contribution for the S - D state . |
29- Elbadry Shehata Zahran |
1989 |
539.764 |
Fusion Reactions . |
30- Galal Saad Hassan |
1989 |
620.106 |
Collision Radiative Model in a quasi stationary homogeneous Sh 6 ARc plasma forpressure p between 1& 8 atmosphere. |
31- Abd El-Aziz Abd Allah Mohamed Habib |
1990 |
620.11216 |
Implantation and Migration - of hydrogen & helium in metals at low temperature . |
32- Abdel Manem Sayed Ahmed |
1992 |
621.38152 |
Electrical optical & structural properties of Gex Se1-x amorphous semiconductors |
33- Nahed Abu El-Hassan T. El-Kabany |
1994 |
621.044 |
Coron & break down across insulating surfaces. |
34- Azza Abd El- Rahman Hashim |
1996 |
621.38152 |
Electronic conduction in chalcogenide thin films based on telluridesof arseni . |
35- Abdel Hmeed A.Abu-Sehly |
1998 |
620.1 |
Structural study on Ge Se Sb amorphous system . |
36- Mohammed abu el-Oyoun H. Hussein |
1999 |
539.723 |
Meson-nucleon & meson -nucleus scattering. |
37- Ahmed Aly Ebrahim said |
1999 |
620.1893 |
Mossbauer & magnetic studies of manganese ferrite; fineparticles & thin films |
38- Mohamed Housam Mahmoud |
2002 |
621.044 |
Analysis of silent & nonsilent discharges in nonuniform field gaps . |
39- Ashraf El-Sayed Sayed A.Yehia |
2002 |
612.01448 |
Physica-chemical changes induuced by irradiation in some compunds of medical & biological activites |
40- Abdel-Reda Gad El-Kariem H.Hammad |
2002 |
539.701 |
Short Range correlations in Finite Nuclear Systems |
41- Sherif Rashed Mokhtar |
2003 |
620.107 |
Growth And Physical Properties of Ferroelectric Crystals For Sensor Applications |
42- Susan Abdel-Wahab Amin |
2004 |
620.11297 |
Ion Dynamics & Relaxation in Fluorideeee Ion Conductors Pb Sn F4, KSn2F5 & RbS2F5 Studied by NMR & Impedance Spectroscopy |
43- Mohamad Mahmoud Ahmed M. |
2004 |
620.17 |
Crystallization and some Physical Properties of Incommen Surate Ferroelectric Ammonium Zinc Chloride Crystals +CD |
44- Saud Ayob Saleh Bin Anooz |
2005 |
539.72112 |
Incoherent Pion Electroproduvtion off the Deuterium in the (1232) Resonance Region |
45- Mahmoud Abu El-wafa Tammam |
2005 |
621.38152 |
Structural and Optical Properties of Copper Indium Diselenide Films |
46- Mohamed Mansour Mohamd |
2006 |
620.186 |
Effect of Tin Addition on the Precipitation and Phase Transitions in Supersaturated Al-Cu Alloys |
47- Amr Abd-Alla Ebrahim |
2006 |
620.1895 |
Photo-Induced Changes in Arsenic Selenium Antimony Alloys |
48- Alea Eldein Ibrahim Hussin Metwaly Dahshan |
2006 |
620.16 |
Investigation of the Effect of Addition of Si and Cu on the Precipitation Sequence in Al-Mg-Si Alloy |
49- Essam Fadl Abu Zaid |
2007 |
621.11295 |
Modeling And Numerical Simulation Of Dynamics and Noise in Semiconductor Lasers for Optical Communication Systems |
50- Salah Aldeen Galal SAbd Ulrhmam |
2007 |
620.11295 |
Studies on strutural, optical & electrical properties of Cu-Se & Ag-Te chalcogenide systems . |
51- Abdulla Saeed Aashour Basabeeh |
2007 |
539.7234 |
Theoretical study of heavy-ion fusion reactions at energies near & below the coulomb barrier. |
52- Zakarya M.M.M. |
2008 |
620.11299 |
Crystallization & Characterization of mixed crystals having tuttonsalts structure. |
53- Abduh Mohammed Ali Abdu Wahab |
2008 |
621.38152 |
Studies of structural, electrical & optical properties for Se-Te-Cd chaleogenide glasses . |
54- Sami Amin Nokrid Mohamed Al-Ariki |
2009 |
621.36 |
Studies of structural, electrical & optical properties for Se-Te-Cd chaleogenide glasses . |
55- Salim Jumaan Saeed Buthaqily. |
2010 |
621.38152 |
Photo-induced effeets in colloidal nano-crystals embedded in semiconductor films. |
56- Mohamed Rashud Shehata. |
2011 |
620.144 |
Reverse monte carlo simulation of germanium selenium tellurium glasses . |
57- Ahmed Mohamed Abdel-baset |