1- Ph.D. (Microelectronics/Microsystems) (October 2000 – July 2004), University of Rennes1, France.
2- Master (DEA) of Electronics (1999-2000) University of Rennes1, France.
3- Bachelor of Science (1991-1995), Assiut University, Egypt; Major: Physics; Minor: Mathematics.
أستاذ كلية العلوم , جامعة أسيوط , 2021
أستاذ مساعد كلية العلوم , جامعة أسيوط , 2012
مدرس كلية العلوم , جامعة اسيوط , 2004
معيد كلية العلوم , جامعة اسيوط , 1995
1- PhD. Program in Solid State Physics
Thesis Title: Preparation and Characterization of Cd-Se-X Thin Film Alloys.
Location of Thesis Work: Physics Department, Assiut University
Student Name: Mehdi Ahmed Dabban
Status: The student has obtained the degree in 2012.
2- Msc. Program in Solid State Physics
Thesis Title: Study of the structural and dielectric properties of NaxAyNi1-x-yO (A: Si and V) ceramics.
Location of Thesis Work: Physics Department, College of Science, King Faisal University.
Student Name: Nouf Alraheem
Status: The student has obtained the degree in March 2018.
3- Msc. Program in Solid State Physics
Thesis Title: Influence of doping and processing conditions on the structural, electrical and dielectric properties of CaCu3Ti4O12–based ceramics.
Location of Thesis Work: Physics Department, College of Science, King Faisal University.
Student Name: Sara Aldabel
Status: The student has obtained the degree in September 2018.